I have had a cricket wandering around my room for over a week now - I've put it out several times, Pippin had decided it's not worth chasing it, so just carries on sleeping and not giving a jot that it's hopped all over his fur!!!

It's scared me a couple of times by climbing up my legs, it looks like a large spider at first sight, it's the sticky up leg that shows it isn't. Well it jumped onto my leg this morning while I was in the loo (toilet)!!! No finesse with it at all eh?

Now I've just noticed it's come all the way back into my lounge after having been left in the downstairs loo and so I took a picture of him being brazen and walking on my bed..

He's not even cute - the only trouble now is.....

I don't know where he is!!!! Has he gone into my bed and will I encounter him some time during the night?