Translation with Deepl.

de - eo - fr - es - it - rus - cz - cn - jap

Alina talks about
universal and planetary consciousness

Nino and Nina experienced
many new things on this planet in the last few days.
Nina says:
« You know, Nino – I would like a small break. »
« That’s exactly what I need, Nina,
but I have to say that I can recuperate surprisingly fast -
faster than on our home planet, Earth. »

Neither could anticipate
the unexpected way in which their
desire for repose would soon come about.
They get up,
and look into the garden and at the statute "the Lovers"

and slowly head down in to the garden.

« Good morning »
Alina greets her cheerfully
« Well, then let us have breakfast. »
Alino and his two children, Manuel and Manuela, are also on their way.
As usual, they greet one another with a kiss on both cheeks.
They all sit down
They eat breakfast, calmly, as always.

Then Alina begins:

« For the past little while, you had questions
and we answered them for you.
Today, I would like to tell you something
that could be important for your ability to understand.
I am inviting you for a stroll through our garden.
You have only seen a small part. »
They go outside and are surprised to find:
that this garden is almost a park.
Wide and narrow paths lead in all directions.
« If you were to look down into the garden from above -
the area would look similar to a large tree. »
Nino says after a while.
« Nino, you’re right,
we often use patterns from living thing -
and all trees are alive. »
Upon reaching the end,
they are standing unexpectedly in front of a river.
There is a shrub with white blossoms in the foreground.
There stand there for a while.

Then Alina says:
« There is a bench behind us. »
They head toward it slowly – sit down -
and enjoy the beauty of the blossoms and the flowers.

After a while Alina says,
with a lot of calm, slowly
- and with many breaks


« - So -

As you have already often seen and experienced with us -
life here is very pleasant.
There are no illnesses no hunger
no wars – no hate
no death
no devastating natural catastrophes
like you are familiar with from your planet.

This, of course, has a deep reason:
It is difficult to explain, even for me,
but maybe one or more pictures will help us -

Your third eye
was opened upon your arrival here.
This may help you and me.
Are you ready - Nina and Nino? »
Both nod -
« Good – then let us begin:


You see a large bubble with a slight golden shimmer
in front of your eye,
similar to what you know as a soap bubble.

The skin is see through
Now a small tube is inserted from the outside
and small bubbles form on the inside.
They, too, expand slowly -
yet stay connected to the large bubble.
All have a golden, transparent shimmer
- except for three -
they are shimmering with the colours of the rainbow as you know it»

Like in a movie,
Nina and Nino watch
this wonderful sight.
After a long, long stillness
and as if she was awakening from a dream, Nina says:
« Tell us - dear Alina -
what are these magical images supposed to tell us? »

« Dear Nino - dear Nina.
You have a saying:
'A picture is worth more than 1000 words.'
and that is exactly how it is.


The bubble is an image that depicts the magnificent and wonderful construction of the universe.
All suns - all planets
are shaped like a sphere.
Your physicists even talk about the 'bending of space.'
You are right to ask:
"And what’s behind that? "
Of course there is something behind it:
It is the large bubble.


You are looking through the skin of the bubble.
That means:
you only see the physical
This is based on the atomic form of energy.
But other worlds exist -
They are comprised of a different form of energy.
These worlds are invisible to you.
Even your most sensitive measurement instruments cannot measure them, therefore unable to grasp them as reality for you.


The small bubbles are joined with the large bubble.
That means:
everything in the universe is interconnected.
There is no real separation.


The colour GOLD

It is present in many of your religions,
the colour of the gods and goddesses.
It is the colour of the divine,
in other words for a different, larger reality.
Most of the bubbles
shimmer with this gold.
That means:
All consciousness on this planet
is aware of this connection. »

But I see - Nino – that you have a question: »
« Yes- dear Alina
There are three bubbles -
that shimmer with the colours of the rainbow. »

« Dear Nino -
The white light – as you know from you sun -
is made up of the whole colour spectrum:
The main colours are the seven colours of the rainbow.
And thus there are some – a few – planets,
which are not aware of the whole universal consciousness.
They are not completely aware of their universal origins.
But if you look closely
then you can see - in – the umbilical cord
an almost invisible golden thread.
That means:
These planets as well are
connected with the greater universe.

And mankind on your planet belongs to this as well.
But many people are not aware of this.
In other words:
not yet aware .
But mankind is on its way
to a comprehensive consciousness. »

« Alina – I believe – that we call this ‘spirituality’
Some people feel a direct connection
to the larger universe. »

« You are right - Nino -
everything and naturally every person
has this consciousness WITHIN them.
Some are aware of it -
many are not fully aware of it.
But that is developing.
If you look closely:
The large bubble as well as the smaller bubbles are expanding. »

« Yes - that is what our astronauts and physicists are saying as well.
Since the ‘Big Bang’
- as they call it – everything is expanding. »

« But don’t forget - dear Nino -
Every being – humans included
is a small universe, or a micro-universe.
That may sound contradictory
a 150m tall tree can grow
from the smallest seed. »

« Alina – I assume -
you mean the giant redwood in North America.
That is the difference between
quantity and quality
We mix those up so easily. »

«That’s how it is - Nino -
- yet -
- when I look at you -
- I believe that -
this is information is enough for today
what do you think? »

« You are right - Alina
One could become dizzy with all these

« Well – then let us go back to the house. »

Alina smiles at the two.
Yes – he notices – it is enough for today.

Something changes in Nina and Nino
somehow everything seems different
....more beautiful....clearer....more colourful....

A deep calm and peacefulness enters
their hearts
a feeling of security and home
- as it has happened on numerous occasions on this planet -

Suddenly everything seems
so easy
so simple
so natural

Very peacefully, they
go back to the house through the park.

Text and photos by Albert Jäger
the picture of the heart by Ines
Translation by Tamara Girke