published at Ipernity 16.06 2010

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Comments to my stories

The following comments refer to the stories:

- "Where I come from"
- "Love"
- "Many Lives"
- "How Many Lives"
- "Horizons Dream or Reality"
Part 12 - Religions - yes or no

I wrote the story « Love – a Story » on the occasion of a wedding
Of course, it was of a more personal nature.
My intention with the other stories was and is the following

Approximately 50 years ago
the Blacks in the USA had a movement
« Back to the roots »

This is my attitude towards life as well -
This question has always pre-occupied me
and still pre-occupies me to this day.
« Where do I come from –
- Why am I here -
- Where am I going –
- Where do I want to go -
- Who am I »

A special note to the story « Horizons – Dream or Reality »

We know today – that our planet
is tiny in our huge universe.
It is unimaginable for me,
that it is the only inhabitable planet.
It is just as unthinkable for me,
that the present self-destructive behaviour
of mankind is the goal of its evolution.
In this huge universe, higher developed societies
exist with certainty.
I would like to use a planet to describe what these may look like -

What is already a reality on other planets
is still just a dream for our planet.

Nina und Nino
their first glimpse of another plane

I have gotten to know many people
who thought about their purpose in life
yet have not found an answer.
Even many people raised with religion

aren’t satisfied with the answers the religions offer.

My personal opinion today is that
every person has a consciousness
some call it a soul or a conscience
which knows precisely about these things
but – and this is the interesting thing – acts very cautiously.
Sometimes this reminds me of Goethe’s words
'Two souls live - oh – in my breast'.
I want to help people with my stories
to rediscover their own Self again
to listen to that inner voice again.

I wish for everyone
- to live -
in harmony with themselves
in harmony with the people
in harmony with nature
in harmony with the universe
After all,
we are all a part of the universe.

Best regards - Albert

Translation by Tamara Girke