Search among Armando Taborda's articles

Publication date  /  2023  /  January   -   3 articles

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  • Alone - Só

    - 03 Jan 2023 - 10 comments
    A grey aura around the eyes crowns my insomnia I get out from bed. Alone. I hesitate upon the matter I am and quest my remains to explain my nights astonishment. So far I'm looking for the first smile on the next day and all other smiles in

  • Infusion - Infusão

    - 17 Jan 2023 - 10 comments
    I open the eyes to the morning's infusion in search of sun although not seen I feel it in the moist heat of the body and then I watch the air movement in small balls of light faster and faster ever up the sky is redefined and suddenly the torrid sun

  • Nightmare - Pesadelo

    - 24 Jan 2023 - 5 comments
    Í saw a light at the end of the tunnel but the darkness around me was so deep that my dream crumbled into nightmare Vi uma luz ao fundo do túnel mas a escuridão à minha volta era tanta que o meu sonho se desfez em pesadelo by Armando TABORDA, 2014