As part of my role in work, I invigilate exams. Recently we had some candidates for exams, and I couldn’t find one of them on my list. It transpired the person I couldn’t find was a friend of one of the candidates who asked if they could sit the exam too. Hell no! There were also 2 older people in the room, one of whom was wandering around telling candidates how to sign on. When challenged, it transpired she was a teacher, but more importantly, a candidates Mum! There were 2 Mums in the room. I politely had all 3 ejected from the exam room. My son, not yet 18, sits exams yet would never take me with him. The candidates today were all adults, yet they bring their Mum? Rolls eyes…

In the UK we had a 3 day weekend due to Monday being a bank holiday. I didn’t see my friend, and while I enjoy his company, a weekend free is something to be treasured. I did some gardening including banking up the potatoes, a little weeding, and a ton of laundry. I always love the fresh smell of laundry that’s been line dried. I also restocked the food cupboards and the freezer, and did some cooking. Over the weekend I made chicken curry, pizza from scratch, and a very tasty lamb casserole. I don’t mind takeaway however generally I find it expensive, screaming in garlic, and often too salty; hence I make my own. The dog was off his food a little though seems to have bounced back this morning though he’s still a little quiet. Not that I’m complaining!

My ex and his wife emailed to say that they’ve now bought a property in Tasmania so that’s where they’ll stay for the foreseeable future. Somewhere called Kingston Beach for those in the know. They sent photos of the house and while it looks nice it seems so weird, to me at least, to buy a house that isn’t made of brick. The garden is 80 foot long which sounds great! It’s double what I estimate my garden to be. The problem now is that they’ll start to ‘nag’ my son to go and stay. He has my blessing to go and visit, however he’s stated time and again that he has no intention of going and I can see this causing problems down the line. He’ll be 18 soon, and his Dad can’t force him…

Someone in the office said that we have a heat wave forecast next week. Doesn’t seem likely, it’s only 14C here today with rain forecast. I’ll believe it if I see it :)