I’m still listening to the Happy song by Pharrell Williams every day. I think it’s a great song and it definitely makes me feel happy.

After a wait of almost 3 weeks, I finally got to see my GP about my forehead. It still throbs when I bend down and I wanted him to check out some other patches of skin. He says it can take 9 to 12 months for the symptoms to subside bearing in mind how much skin I lost, I just have to bear with it. The other two small patches of skin are similar but he’s not worried about them as they are so small and not deep. He says they may go away or just stay as they are. He’ll only be concerned if they get bigger, or start to bleed regularly as the other one did. He’s very pleased how well it’s all healed, so am I! The surgeon really did a good job.

At the weekend I went down to my ex’s house to check out any storm damage. There’s minimal damage which I’ve let him know so he can sort out repairs, or not. I certainly don’t want to sort it out. I had a quick look at the pile of mail, pulled out 2 items for the previous owner that I’ve sent on, and disposed of a mountain of junk mail. I put his mail in a cupboard out of sight and noted that there was food still there. Yuck! They’ve been gone almost 3 months and left food in the house. I found a bin bag and disposed of the old food, kept a jar of coffee and some unopened dry spaghetti, and threw the rest away. I also cleaned out the crumbs from the cupboards and gave the surfaces a wipe down. If it’s dirty, it will take longer to sell.

After my quick clean-up and check on his house I did some grocery shopping. My weekends are so much fun! Lol

Today I booked the car in for a service and MOT and have insisted they email me the quote for the work. Last year I had a quote and when I picked up my car the bill was around £70 more than the estimate. I queried the bill, and they dropped it by £40 but it was still more than I was told it would be. Not getting caught out like that again! I wear my old wedding ring whenever I have work done on the car, and call myself Mrs; it helps! Long time ago I was having trouble getting my car from a garage; the guy was really messing me about. My (then) husband walked in, asked what was going on, and lo and behold all was fine with me taking the car. Since then, I always ‘pretend’ I have a man nearby. I shouldn’t need to, but I find it works wonders with any kind of workman or repairman.

I’m off most of this week for half term and plan on doing some early spring cleaning and my accounts. Have a great week, whatever your plans, and fingers crossed for some sunshine.