To be clear, this isn’t a blog about what if’s, or regrets, just a bit of fun and remembering good times.

If I… was rich, I’d have a Turkish Bath and jacuzzi in my home. My son and I have emptied the attic ready for the move. We made 3 trips to the city dump for recycling, donated good items to the shop for re-sell, and binned the rest. I was staggered at how much was in the attic, and by the end of the day, had some serious aches and pains; a Turkish bath and jacuzzi would have gone down a treat.

If I… was young, free, and single, I wouldn’t put down roots; I’d travel and have experiences of living and working in other countries. I’ve read that many so-called millennials are doing this as they know they’ll never get on the property ladder in the UK unless things change. I don’t blame them, and would do same in their shoes.

If I… could time travel, I’d go back to the early seventies to a time when my Father had left the army and we relocated back to the UK – Wales to be specific. We lived for a year with my grandparents whom we adored. We were 4 children, and 4 adults living in a 3-bed semi. A squeeze, and not much money to be had, but we had some very happy times with them. Family meals at the table were a real treat and not for the faint-hearted – my Grandmother was a fantastic cook – and last ones to the table got to sit on the plank across two chairs, or the kitchen stool, as there were only 6 chairs.

If I… could re-live a holiday, I’d go back to the early 80’s when my then-husband and I had a 4-week holiday in Canada (not far from Toronto) and stayed with friends, with a 2-week break in the middle when we flew down to Florida. It was a great time, a great adventure, and emptying the attic I found a tin of photos from that holiday. Happy memories indeed.

If I… could live anywhere in the world, I would choose the Americas. I love the fact that it’s a massive landmass and I could live in an RV and just drive anywhere. It would take me years to see all there is to see and though I like my own company well enough, I’d like a travelling companion for the companionship, and to share the driving. My idea of a great adventure.

If I… could re-live one event, it would be the birth of my long-awaited child. Not that I’m into pain but he was very, very wanted and very loved. It was the happiest day of my life, and will remain so. That feeling of relief, bliss, and unconditional love will remain with me until I die. Now he’s grown up, in his 20’s, he still makes me happy and grateful for the day he was born.

If I… could grant but one wish, it would be to wish you the Christmas/holiday season that you would wish for yourself.

Have a great Christmas.