Well, that’s all done with for another year lol.

Most years, for Christmas Day lunch, my son and I have a small piece of beef, and a small chicken breast joint too. I had the beef already in the freezer, however whilst he was here, we espied an amazing looking beef rib in the supermarket. We had one for my birthday which was nice, and decided we’d have one for Christmas.

We rarely have turkey as they’re too large, often find it dry, and to buy just a crown can be prohibitively expensive. He doesn’t like Christmas cake, so I don’t buy one – too much for just me and slices are often dried out. Neither of us eat Christmas pudding. I like the taste, but after eating some I always find it feels like lead in my stomach. Too rich? Too solid? I just don’t eat it anymore, so Christmas fare is somewhat limited in our house. I don’t even like chocolate covered marzipan anymore – a huge favourite from my childhood in Germany.

So, we had a rib roast. Whilst looking at Chinese recipes for new Year, I saw a recipe for a rib roast that practically guaranteed it would be moist. It took a while to cook, involved quite a bit of watching and basting, but it was wonderful! We had steamed veg, and roasted veg, and of course Yorkshire puddings. All washed down with some sparkling wine. No dessert. Afterwards I washed, and my son dried and put away all the dishes/pans. We both appreciate a clean and tidy kitchen.

Some leftover beef went to make a Chinese beef and rice dish that we like, some for lunch roll another day, and I have beef bone in the freezer to make stew with later in the week. Also 3 bags of cooked beef that will do nicely for stew/stir fry/or sliced and reheated in gravy for a quick meal. I calculate the roast will have made 7 main courses, and 2 lunches by the time I use it up. Good value for money.

It was quiet here, which we like, and my ex didn’t ring this year. My son was relieved, as was I as it always put him in a bad mood. He just can’t seem to ask more than, briefly, how are you, when are you coming to Oz to visit. Despite our son saying he doesn’t want to go there, he won’t let it go. This year, maybe he’s finally getting the message. I did tell them, via email, that we would be moving in 2018, and received what seemed to be a very dismissive reply. Whatever…

Except for the millennium (because I’ll never see another one of those) and one year when my husband and I had a party (in the 80’s) I don’t stay up for New Year’s. I don’t see the point, though do have to accept that at midnight I’ll be woken by fireworks. Not too bad this year, though we’ve had some awful wind and rain here. Enough to dampen most people’s spirits.

Speaking of, a minor mishap here on New Year’s Eve, in that the dog leapt onto my son whilst he was drinking a nice single malt. He managed to put his foot in the glass, spill it over my son, and butt him in the mouth. Like a French farce ;) I plunged the dog’s foot in water, didn’t want him licking that clean with whiskey on it whilst my son went and changed his clothes. We do have fun here lol. A few more days and I’ll be off again to foreign parts to take him back to Uni. I’ll miss him, though having the house to myself again for a while will be nice. Sharing a meal has been the nicest thing to be honest, as has having someone to talk to in the evenings. Only 4 months, approximately, and all being well, he’ll move in with me into our next home.

Have a great year.