Well no sunbathing for me today - in fact I wore my cardigan for a lot of the day. I did try to dry my washing on the line, but it became a mad dash out when I saw the dark clouds coming and it was only when I got out that I realised it had been raining gently for quite a while - damn.......

So unpegging soggy clothes from the line, I brought them all in so they could be put into the tumble dryer later on. I so prefer the washing air dried - they smell so beautiful although the tumble dryer does make it all nice and soft.

Anyway I also noticed that there were some newish flowers coming up......

There are loads here and this is just a small part of the flower bed, so you can imagine there should be some lovely colour here - don't ask me what flowers they are - won't know til they come up. I do recognise the big round leaves - nasturtiums, so that's okay......

I noticed a new yellow plant - I thought it was rapeseed but it's not - but there were loads of these tiny aphids crawling all over the stem......

If anyone knows what this plant is - I'd be grateful because it will save me hours of trawling through the Horticultural Photo Gallery to find out..........

I saw this strange bee flitting from flower to flower - don't know what it is but it was lovely....

Apparently this isn't a hollyhock - thanks Sue - but it's Monkshood and is deadly poisonous. So when Fred the Shed comes next I'll ask him to dig it up very carefully and get rid of it for me because it could be harmful to creatures.. so far the cats don't go near it and it has been in the garden for years and years....

Some lovely old roses have yet again bloomed. I love them because not only are they a beautiful colour, but their scent is gorgeous. So strong and the perfume wafts its way over to you when you're near the plant........

These aquilegia is everywhere as I've mentioned before, but they are so pretty I can't resist taking pictures of them. The purple one had a tiny snail embedded in it's petals. Poor little thing - wonder how it got there..........

The begonias are starting to raise their heads - this gentle rain we've had for the last couple of days has been just what the doctor ordered for the newly re-potted plants.....

Got some fuschias starting to bud up - they should be a lovely display as long as there are no slugs nearby........

The Icelandic poppy is also starting to sprout out all over the place...........

Finally - you know I had a lovely display of cherry blossom - well there was just this lonesome cherry - the birds have been feasting themselves on the rest. No wonder the blackbird has been singing his heart out......

Talking of blackbirds - I thought they just sang the one song - no they don't. I was sitting listening to one sitting ontop of a tree singing away and I realised how many different sounds it made. So pretty and sweet. I think it's one of the most beautiful sounds out..........