Great day with my son today. He arrived just as I'd gone out into the garden to take some photos of the blossom and flowers.

He's looking good, and it was so lovely being just him and me. We caught up on things and then he told me that he had arranged to have a "bombshell" of a bucks night for his wedding in March!!!

He's going with 3 of his close friends to Los Angeles for 3 nights/days - they'll be staying on Sunset Strip (remember the old show - 77 Sunset Strip?) and then will visit various places and hopefully Santa Monica Boulevard and the beach front. Well that certainly beats a weekend away in Spain!!! He's already got the money sorted out and the others are paying for themselves. It should be a great time for him. He never had a boy's night out for his first wedding, so he's going to make sure that he has a good one this time!!

Because I don't see him very often I don't really like to give him jobs to do (well I am his mum and there are loads of things that need doing!) but I did need my clock changed back an hour. It's been weeks since the clocks were put forward an hour and I had to keep adding an hour whenever I looked at the lounge clock. Now I'll have to get used to accepting that when I look at the clock, it IS exactly what it says.!!! Then Tony saw a box in the hall which held the parts for wooden steps which could also be used for putting pot plants on the steps. I bought it about 8 years ago and it hadn't been made up!!!! It has now - he took about 30 minutes and it's all done - wonderful........

When he'd gone, I went outside to take some pictures ............

This is the laburnham tree which has just come out - I call it my yellow rain............

As you can see I cut the grass yesterday and now the greenery are really lush and at the end of the lawn you can see the pale lilac tree and the dark purple one next to it, with the yellow laburnham just poking it's head out on the left.

There are so many plants called aqualegia which come in various shades of purple, pink and white............

Then the white lilac was smelling so beautifully. Such a pungent scent.......

As you can see I've potted out some new plants - petunias, geraniums (red and white) and lilies (yellow and orange) so there'll be loads of flowers to take photos of!!!

The geraniums..............

The white petunia.................

The lilies......

So altogether with the rest of the flowers - my garden is starting to look very colourful indeed............

With my super apple blossom just finishing it all off..........