Group: Promoting ipernity

8.1 Landing page 'Explore' - Relaunch 2020

Public Relations
23 Sep 2020 - 72 comments - 1 074 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Here we can discuss ideas on how we can optimize the landing page Explore and bring the new internal link Explore / Community to life in terms of content and design so that it is attractive and informative for vistitors from outside.

Blue line
Here in the main article we will record agreed measures and name the volunteers who will take care of their realization.
Blue line

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Public Relations 11 months ago.

72 comments - The latest ones
raingirl club
Just brainstorming here:

* Have on the 'Community' page an offical ipernity group. That group could be one that limits uploads to one per day. It would need a member to moderate and run it. (Possibly me, though I need to reduce my groups before adding another one to admin.)

* If possible, include a blog page for members to chat on. I find 'discussion' in a group difficult to follow, so an alternate way of doing that type thing for the general membership is what I'm thinking of. Or if not that then maybe just a link to the pages where communication/discussions about the site in general can happen.
3 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to raingirl club
I have tested using RSS feed readers myself, to get notices on group discussions. But it really is not a good way either. One seem to be able to get notices when new topics opened. But then one has to subscribe to each discussion topic to get noticed if new comment on any of those appears.

So, the idea to share articles for example under certain keywords could be considered.

BUT, I just also discovered "how-to" explore groups based on "recent discussions":

Unfortunately one has to write something onto the search field. But if only there would be a way to show something like that with a click of a button, or even on one's own news feed, then that could help... And it could even bring some content onto Explore page. A new sections there to show what is going on.

Some cons though. Especially as anew phenomena, the group administrators have decided to start hiding the group discussions. So, a non group member gets nothing when trying to open the link for some of the groups.

Moreover, unfortunately there is no option to run search among "all groups where one is a member". Instead one get somewhat not so obvious further action to select from the the drop down menu, and then search only on one of those groups.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl club
In addition to the chat functions, the Community page would also be expected to provide a place for strangers to find out how our community is organized. Up to now one has had to gather this information in many places. It has never really been programmed into the code, but has only been implemented with makeshift workarounds:

I imagine that this won't be a text-page with a lot of text, but a graphically well designed overview, which links to the respective content or lets you pop it up as a window.
3 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
After finding this already existing discussion topic here, I repeat what just recorded on my shared image contribution:

There are some "issues" discussed concerning ipernity Explore. And not only the "Gallery" part of it, but all that one may see when arriving to ipernity web site for the very first time.

Imagine this. You find a nice new web site thanks to somewhat appealing front page. Then you step into a "hallway" and see:

1) Yet another slide show at first, with no direct explanation.

2) The same word "Explore" repeated and seen as links here and there.

3) Search field repeatedly. Although, the other one says "Search for photos".

4) If you click an image on slide show, you end up onto someone's personal page.

5) Only as small you find link for "Among the photos recently added that are popular...", which leads to same place as the new concept "Gallery" presented on the header toolbar.

6) If, and only if, you scroll down, you get to see some groups which you might like for no reason explained (which very likely are some abandoned groups after all).

From advertising point of view, this may not look very appealing after somewhat representable front page. And definitely it does not tell anything about the cool features like possibility to share images on groups, run discussion forums on groups, write blog articles, or upload and share also something else than photos. Neither it tells anything about reasons to join ipernity.

Intention of this post is not to ask immediate actions to change anything. Instead I hope it makes us really think what and how we wish the newbies to see this "our house" when they step into the "hallway" (Explore).

Canvas (discussion) is open for your imagination to run wild. What would you like to find when you step into some new place?
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Maybe somewhat wild idea... What if "Explore" would open an "example account". Something like account looks like:

however, it would be more like a "taylored example", with selected contacts, albums, groups and articles, which all presents what can be done, like also sort of a combined "how-to".

So, on photos there could be for example image showing how to use PiPs etc.

And on groups only selected groups that one can find as nice, useful and popular.

Articles that share ipernity related videos etc.

And layout made to present all nice features one can have on a personal home page.

One con though... It would be somewhat limited to one language only, when it comes to section titles.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
raingirl club
Ideas For Community Page:

1) Similar type groups gathered together. The page would have general topics labeled then one can peruse which group associated with that topic one wants to check out.

A diagram of sorts for groups. I saw an example somewhere, but can't find it now. Visualize 3 blocks across the page, as many down as needed for however many topics we picked. The blocks contain a background photo with the Topic word over it. It would be a clickable block, taking you to another page where groups about that Topic are listed.

2) A New Members showcase. Something like 'Find new to ipernity photo friends here!', and it would link to a page with a list of the newest members. Would not have to have photos by the new people, in fact I don't think it should. But perhaps it could list the member user name and their place of residence - it would be a link to their news page.
3 years ago.
raingirl club
* Include a link where people can gift a membership to a friend. Somehow making it work even if they aren't a member of ipernity. (Just like I can give a gift of a membership to an art museum to my friend as a gift.)
3 years ago.
raingirl club
Possibly, instead of individual groups highlighted on Landing page, Category headings that lead to page that lists just that category groups. This is example image, but not an example layout - I like the layout of how it is on Explore now: example - featured categories to find groups
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl club
Such a thing is a good thing. It is unfortunately completely missing so far.
3 years ago.
raingirl club
Maybe we should ask the members (or Advertising Group - AG - members, what do you think?) - what their favorite features of the Explore page are. That way we can keep what is important to members, and update to be better for visiting people.
3 years ago.
Bergfex club
I do not believe that it is purposeful to question the members. They will only answer what they love by habit.

Rather we should consider ourselves under marketing points of request, what we want to offer there. What do we aim at with the sides?

Explore: New visitors should be inspired to create at least one trial account. They should be shown a selection of the most attractive functions. They should be guided through ipernity in such a way that they are enthusiastic about it afterwards. They must be told why ipernity is so special. The advantages must be made palatable to them. Explore is not for existing members.

Community: All information about our community and its various committees should be given here. What kind of club are we? What makes us special? What are the organs (board of directors, consultants). What is the history of ipernity? What plans for the future? What is our orientation? How does our association life work.
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Bergfex club
I think we should clarify that when you say "Explore is not for exisitng members", that you mean the layout of the page needs to be geared towards visitors. Because members use Explore all the time! But probably they mostly use Explore/Gallery, and Explore/New.

That is the question I want to know from the people helping here on AG, which features on the Explore page are indeed used by members. Then, we can be sure to still have those features available - but still update the page so it is geared towards visitors.

I'm sorry if this is hard to understand, it feels like what I'm trying to say is not in conflict with what you are saying, but just adding a nuance.
3 years ago.
raingirl club
Really would enjoy some more people's thoughts on how to layout the Explore/Landing page.
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
To clear up the misunderstanding, a picture might help. The areas and functions highlighted in green should of course be retained. These are important for all members.

Only the content of the site is to be redesigned. Here 99% of the information that would be helpful for a visitor is missing. It is high time to change this.

New Landing Page
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Public Relations club
Why not use Ipernity blue ??
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
The green highlighting just means that everything remains as it is in those places. All functions and of course the ipernity colours.
Green = it's ok the way it is and it keeps the way it is.
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Can you imagine it better this way?

Landing Page (2)
3 years ago.
Bergfex club
Ich möchte hier einen Gedanken im Hinblick auf die anzusprechenden Aspekte teilen. Und zwar hat Prof. Gerald Hüther (ein Hirnforscher, siehe Anmerkung *) einmal gesagt: Im Marketing geht es im Grunde darum, zwei Urbedürfnisse des Menschen zu befriedigen:

1) Das Bedürfnis nach Verbundenheit
2) Das Bedürnis nach Autonomie

Das erste entsteht schon bein Fötus im Mutterleib durch die Verbindung zur Mutter. Das zweite ebenfalls, nur etwas später. Es führt zum Drang des Ungeborenen, sich von der Mutter zu lösen.

Weil beide Gefühle so tief im Gehirn verwurzelt sind, bekommt man sie niemals los. Werden sie nicht befriedigt, stirbt ein Mensch ziemlich bald. Für das Marketing bedeuten sie: Wenn man mit einem Angebot diese beiden Instinkte antriggert, hat man schon viel erreicht.

Womit erreichen wir diese Instinkte?

1) Die großen Plattformen sind völlig anonym. Man kommt sich verloren vor. Bei ipernity hingegen besteht eine wirkliche Gemeinschaft. Während man bei Facebook nur mit seinen echten Freunden in Kontakt ist, gelingt hier mit Gleichgesinnten, die dasselbe Hobby haben, etwas ähnliches. Jemand aus der Gemeinschaft sagte kürzlich: "Es fühlt sich bei ipernity an wie zu Hause."

2) Das Bedürfnis nach Autonomie führt zum Wunsch nach Selbstverwirklichung. Fotografie ist ein Ausdruck davon. In einer Gemeinschaft wie ipernity kann man dies pflegen und teilen. Aber noch mehr: Man kann die Plattform selbst mit gestalten, was bei Flickr und den anderen nicht ansatzweise möglich ist. Dort ist man den Investoren ausgeliefert, die letztlich Cash haben wollen. Bei ipernity haben wir mehr Freiheit.

Dies in wenigen Worten rüber zu bringen, wird die Herausforderung sein. Denn die "Landing Page" ist klein, und es gibt noch andere wichtige Themen.

*) Aus dem Hörbuch "Wie Träume wahr werden - Das Geheimnis der Potentialentfaltung", erschienen 2018
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
raingirl club
I really like the 4 points and the sightseeing tour ideas for the Landing page. Great starting place.

1) I would like to suggest that we include a prominent 'Join Us' link on the Landing Page and each of it's sub-pages. We want to make it as easy as possible for them to sign up at any point while exploring.
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
A first sketch of how the landing page could be structured in the future.

Landing Page
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
A further development:

Landing Page (sketch 2)
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
The example graphics used above are only placeholders to visualise the direction of thought. In the final version they can be designed completely differently!

The symbolism should be:

Symbol 1: Advantages - expressed, for example, by school bags of first graders (presents, gifts, tokens, packages)
Symbol 2:
Unique features - expressed, for example, by a winners' staircase (reward, first price, trophy)
Symbol 3: Community - expressed by a group (people, figurines, silhouettes, shoes, legs, feet, hats, hands)
Symbol 4: Instructions - expressed by a teacher (classroom, black board, magnifying glass, spectacles, binoculars)

Other visualisations of the symbolism can also be made. You are invited to let your creativity sparkle. Probably there are much better ideas!

How the most apt visualisation is finally realised graphically also depends on the style of the artist we find.

Instead of graphics, symbolic photos can of course also be used. Keep in mind that the photos should not just be some kind of beautiful decoration, but should visually support the verbal message of the specific item. They also have the task of creating positive emotions.

Because it is much more difficult to find such photos, we first used graphics in the blueprint. But of course there is also an open space for appropriate photo suggestions. Pictures should be in landscape format 3:2. The motifs must be very easy to recognise at first glance in the small possible representation. Like the graphics, they should of course be in a certain uniform style.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Concerning Communiy:

This could be a separte page on which we can summarise everything that has been scattered in many places so far:

- a list of members (not yet exiasting)
- who belongs to the ima-team?
- who are the advisors?
- minutes of the annual meetings
- annual reports
- the team blog

This list is probably an incomplete collection of items that still needs to be supplemented.
3 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Public Relations club
Some pages can be incomplete, just as the Explore > Galleries is at the moment ;-)

But that list looks reasonable for the Explore > Community page. My thoughts for "wordings":

OR dump the Explore > COmmunity, and give these on the landing page.

1) Get to know some of us.
No need to provide any hard to update and complete alphabetical list. That group is formed by those who wish to show their faces, and that alone is an important aspect.

2) Find out who belongs to Ipernity Members Association (IMA) executive board, assistants, advisors and auditors.

3) Ipernity Members Association is made possible by active members and based on IMA Statues. We arrange Ipernity General Assembly (IGA) at least every second year. IGA meeting minutes and annual reports are publicly available.

4) Read the latest team news to stay up-to-date and find out what is new.

5) Ipernity has been developed by.

6) Find out how ipernity works.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Based on a suggestion by Raingirl there is an alternative design now which might also being discussed here:

Landing Page (sketch 3)
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Public Relations club
I give my full support for this. I even like the already proposed images.

But I wonder if it would be possible to get the images change every time when the page is refreshed.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
This should be quite simple with regard to passport photos. I am very hopeful that we can collect enough of it.

With the three large pictures I would be happy to find something thematically suitable at all.

For the photo of the Rolls Royce I have the copyright, because I took it myself. The other two pictures are taken from the internet. For the mock-up it is ok. For the final version we need others.

Can you use your detective skills to find something in the ipernity content? We could then ask the members concerned.
3 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
I prefer the version with REAL images (we are a photo club !!) above the one with graphics.
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
3 years ago.
Bergfex club
Ich bevorzuge ebenfalls den letzten Entwurf mit realen Fotos. Für Nr. 4 könnte ich mir folgendes vorstellen:

Screenshot 2020-11-09 12.59.13

Es ist eine Fotomontage aus einem Screenshot von der Webseite, kombiniert mit einem unserer freigegebenen Homepage-Motive. Weil es sich beim Copyright-Inhaber des Kino-Fotos um ein Szene-Kino handelt, könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass wir eine kostenlose Lizenz für die Bearbeitung und Veröffentlichung bekommen könnten. Ansonsten wäre es aber auch leicht, so ein Foto selbst aufzunehmen. Weil die Personen nicht erkennbar sind, würden keinerlei Persönlichkeitsrechte verletzt.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
My version:
It would be better if the four subjects were not visible all at the same time but came and went one by one with some animation. If they are piled up like this, they need some vertical thing to keep them together, and that "thing" can be used to narrow down the text column, making it easier to read. Also it looked as if the top needed something big to catch the eye first, so I enlarged the page title. The colours are slight variations of the iper blue. Footer color is a test.

I believe that the landing page being between the front page and the rest of the pages, it can be slightly more flamboyant than the normal bread-and-butter ones.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Spo
Besides the background, I like the idea of title on left, and bullets left aligned. As discussed elsewhere, this is indeed easier to read.

What comes to vertical scrolling replaced with switching contents (if I understood it correctly), I belong to "old school". I have nothing against scrolling.

But I do understand the switching pages are more up to date. However, it then requires some some alternative option to swap and navigate through them. I hate waiting =D

So, I suppose you after something like this(?)
Notice the arrows on sides. Witch of course should be more visible.

Similar navigation already exists for photo pages at ipernity, but those arrows only appear when mouse moved, and only on computers (not on mobile browsers).
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Spo has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Yes, something like the Moomin thing. Arrows at the sides would probably need to be there for smaller/touch screens, but the spheres in "main" navigator should be bigger for easier navigation, and clearer indication of a multicontent page. Moreover, the image should probably have an overlay where one corner of it would be slowly fading in and out in a loop to suggest dynamic content.

Then there is the question whether the page should swap content automatically at certain intervals or not at all. I think not.
3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Scrolling is no longer old-fashioned at all. On the contrary. This 'piled up' page layout has become ultra-modern again with the increasing spread of mobile devices. Instead of scrolling, people are wiping today.

Take a look, for example, at the online presence of the most renowned German weekly newspaper:

This newspaper is the top product of the German media world. Absolute professionals are at work here!

Or alternatively the brand new website of the 'Deutsche Tagesschau' which is the number one in the German TV landscape:

It is already programmed with floating elements against a fixed background.

Both websites are not widescreen!
In comparison, ipernity is by no means out of fashion.

And scrolling / wiping is very modern again.
3 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Bergfex club
I actually agree. Scrolling vertically is much more convenient on mobile phone screen than trying to spot small arrow, or figure out by accident, if swiping horizontally does something.

If you open the previously mentioned on a mobile phone browser, there are no arrows displayed at all. Only by accident one can then find out one can swipe horizontally.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Spo
The exchange of images is a complex matter. Not for technical reasons, but because of the delicate selection and obtaining of permits.

For this picture, which could possibly be suitable for a first start: the request is currently running with the request for permission from the photographer.

If you change later, you will always have to answer the question whether a new picture meets the criteria outlined by Prof. Koeber-Riel (see above). It is least of all a question of taste, or whether a picture is 'beautiful'. It is only a question of whether it serves its purpose well. If one has agreed on one, one has to get the copyright each time anew. Because that is a lot of work, you should consider replacing it at most once a year.
3 years ago.
Bergfex club
In this design I see some collisions with the grid of the general ipernity layout. For details see
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Okay folks. After sleeping over, and digesting Raingirl's proposal for the landing page, I think we could try "collages" instead.

First of all, there already seem to be a potentially good codes for this. For example on "Discover Groups" -page, I noticed the images seem to have picked according to some algorithm. Probably the most active first, and maybe varied somehow.

An example for search according to activity at ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖. Notice the deliberate use of search words. Very likely there are some old masterpieces and popular members on top. But on the other hand, I think they deserve it.

There are also alternative codes to arrange and present collages, used on personal home pages. One is "Featured albums" -block, and another one is similar "Latest created albums" -block. See the home page layout settings for more.

Now comes the actual suggestion

We use some "curated groups" to pick up the collages at least for the first and second section on the landing page. So, it could look like this:


Possible advantages

If and when using curated groups provided by members like * ઇઉ *, there will be quality guaranteed. No copyright violations should occur either.

By selecting the search words for active group contributions, it should be possible to provide good overviews for the collages.

Another example for the most active contributions search on group Strong Colors curated by * ઇઉ *

P.S. Those collages could be also simpler 2x4, as is on "Explore Groups".

P.P.S. Also most recent search can give wonderful results on curated group and well chosen search word, like "macro" at Bokeh as MAIN Subject.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
The meanwhile deceased marketing authority Prof. Werner Koeber-Riel, who had intensively studied the effect of images in advertising, once wrote: "Images are shots into the brain. They have to create the emotional basis for a sustained reception of the advertising message in a split of a second. They should trigger pleasant feelings and arouse desires in the consumer. By repeating the same pictures many times, they should burn themselves into the consumer's mind. Image rhetoric paves the way for language rhetoric".

Remember the legendary Marlboro cowboy. He always managed to seduce people to light a cigarette when leaving the cinema. He triggered the basic human desire for autonomy and has burned himself into our minds as a symbol in such a way that in the last few years Marlboro has not even had to mention the product name. Nespresso is also almost there. You see George Clooney and get an appetite for a coffee ...

I haven't read anywhere that this is possible with photo collages. But I acknowledge the desire to have a better platform for presenting the best pictures from the community than is now the case. Because even I couldn't give a prospective customer clear information, which is very bad.

Is it the ‘Ipernity Photo Gallery’?
Is it the ‘Ipernity Hall of Fame’?
Is it the ‘Showcase of Excellence’?

I would prefer to separate this wish and its fulfilment from this advertising page which we are just developping.

What would you think of something like the lead for the following page with the groups? So far we have left it to all visitors to find their own way to the best pictures. It is high time that we improve this matter.
3 years ago.
Bergfex club has added
After you, Sami, had privately given me the idea of a telescope, I remembered a picture from Horizon 36. A cut-out of it would perfectly symbolise topic 1 of our new Landig Page:

Landing Page Picture #1 (example)

Photographer: Horizon 36
Title: The bird photographer

Pending approval by the photographer
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
An update of this design line with the new image and some optimizations in detail could look like this:

Landing Page (sketch 4)

For a more accurate assessment., the sketch has been given the blue side stripes that unregistered visitors will see on laptops and desktops with wide screens . (Users of tablets with the 4:3 format (Samsung, iPad) see the ipernity pages without any side margins.)
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
@ Spo: Would you please unlock your alternative design line for download? We could then also put it into the presentation form with the blue side margins for comparison purposes. Then the overall effect could be better assessed by everybody.

3 years ago.
Spo has replied to Public Relations club
They are all public, visible to everyone.
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Spo
But not downloadable. To give them the blue margins for comparison purposes, I would have to take screenshots with a loss of quality.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Spo has replied to Public Relations club
I'll email you ones with the blue background. Unfortunately I cannot replace the images in iper, nor have I any idea how to make them downloadable. There seems to be no tools named for it.
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Spo
Are talking about downloading your own photos? If so, it's in the drop down box for "Actions". If other people's photos, they set for each photo if other's are allowed to download or not - you would have to contact them individually.

Or maybe you are talking about something else all together!
3 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Spo
"Guest" can not replace:

To make images possible to download has to be done from the:

"Authorizations, license ---> Change"

It is on right side of each image. Turn image either to CC or free.

OR, turn selected people as your "Family" members, and change settings here:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Landing Page Picture #3 (example):

Landing Page Picture #3 (example)

This collage was compiled from images that are freely visible to everyone at ipernity.

It is only used for a limited period of time for sample purposes. If you do not agree that your picture may be used for this purpose, we will of course remove it.

Since a number of 27 images is not sufficient to symbolise the huge size of our community, we are considering whether to express this by randomly exchanging images every second.

This would look something like this: Animated collage
(There are a few small technical flaws in this visualization, but the principle should be recognizable.)

If such a collage is used at all, we would timely invite you to participate with a current picture of you.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Public Relations club
Hm. Wie wäre es mit ein wenig mehr Diversität? Ich sehe auf der Collage ausschließlich Menschen mit heller Hautfarbe. Was ist mit Asiaten, was mit dunkelhäutigeren? Ja, gut, eine weibliche Person links in der Mitte ist etwas dunkelhäutiger, aber das ist eine von vielen.
Jüngere Personen kommen ebenfalls nicht vor...
3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Es war schwierig genug, schon diese Bilder aus dem ipernity-Content zu extrahieren. Die von Dir angeregte Diversität ist mir dabei nicht begegnet. Womöglich habe ich aber unzureichende Suchbegriffe benutzt. Würdest Du mir helfen? Ich baue die Bilder dann gerne ein.
3 years ago.
Bergfex club has added
Ich kommen noch mal zum Thema "Jüngere" zurück. Gezeigt werden nur 8 Mitglieder im Rentenalter. Die übrigen 13 sind augenscheinlich jünger, bis zum geschätzten Alter von 30 (Bild 1.4 und 2.3). Damit verbiegen wir bereits die Realität. Denn der Median liegt 62 Lebensjahren.
Aber womöglich erweckt Bild 1.3 diesen Eindruck. Ich suche mal nach einem Ersatz.
3 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex club
Anforderungen sind ein Portrait von vorne, das unter Creative Commons - Lizenz "Mit kommerzieller Nutzung und Modifikation" steht?
Dann zum Beispiel diese hier:

Noch unter falscher Lizenz, könnte ich mir aber auch gut vorstellen:
Von Typo93:

Jean-luc Drouin - - hat auch viele Portraitfotos, die ich mir gut vorstellen könnte und die ein wenig mehr Farbe in das "Weiße Männer und weiße Frauen"- Einerlei bringen könnten.
3 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex club
Ich habe es halt noch nicht aufgegeben, ein paar Jüngere Instagram-Jüngere vielleicht auch für ipernity zu begeistern. Wenn wir denen dann aber direkt mit Rentnerfotos ;) kommen, schreckt das doch eher ab. Letztlich ist bei Fotografien das Alter des fotografierenden einfach - ähg - total egal.
3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Völlig d'accord. Parship macht auch keine Werbung mit über 30-Jährigen, obwohl ihre Zielgruppe 50+ ist, wo sich die meisten Trennungsgeschädigten tummeln.

Die vorgeschlagenen Bilder habe ich mir angesehen. Zwei können wir direkt übernehmen. Mit Kinderbildern sollten wir aufpassen. Damit handeln wir uns möglicherweise Scherereien ein. Außerdem können unter 16-Jährige gemäß Satzung nicht Mitglied sein. Aus demselben Grunde passen auch die Portraits von Jean-Luc nicht. Sie zeigen zwar Menschen, aber nicht reale ipernity-Mitglieder.

Im Hinblick auf Lizenz können wir uns auf Punkt 5.10 der Nutzungsbedingungen beziehen, welche die Verwendung öffentlicher Inhalte von Usern "im Sinne der Förderung des Dienstes" erlaubt.

Dennoch würde ich mir natürlich wünschen, dass wir mittelfristig nicht auf den Content zurückgreifen, sondern um aktuelle Bilder bitten. Aber die Start-Collage sollte auf jeden Fall schon mal gewisse Mindestansprüche erfüllen. ich baue Deine Vorschläge nachher ein.
3 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Since we now have a promising landing page planned, I assume the other pages opening from the top Explore menu are next.

1) Gallery, OK(?)

2) New, OK(?) Only Club members get to see, and discovered as useful.

3) Groups, has been discussed by Raingirl, Guido and me. We need to find out what algorithm the old one is based on. How groups get picked there and in what order? On what algorithm the pictures get picked there? Do we keep that old layout, or come up with something entirely new?

4) World Map, NOT OKAY! Super slow, and only very few images out of all GPS located images by thousands of members become picked there. What images become presented there is a total mystery. Currently non-club.members see notice: "Access to this feature requires a club membership." However, it would be better to hide it entirely, just like the "New" section.

5) Keywords, good enough(?)

6) Community, may need some better solution(?) Opening ima,team news breaks the "rule". User does not stay under "Explore", but becomes kicked out to another part of ipernity. Maybe some "landing page" would be needed there as well, which then provides links to news, face gallery, FAQ, etc. (?)
3 years ago.
Bergfex club
1) Gallery

2) New ✅ For my sake it can also be activated for guests. By the way, we have not yet published the update in the newsflash. I have noted it down.

3a) Groups / design ✅ For the time beeing I woul keep the design. It is reasonably attractive and runs faultlessly. We should keep it that way for the time being. Because we have more urgent building sites.

3b) Groups / content ❗ This should be adjusted so that only living groups are displayed. (For a transitional period I could imagine as a quick solution that we select a corresponding database extract manually at short notice and store the selection. Only Rob can say what is best feasible.)

4) World Map ❗ Very large amounts of data seem to be gathered and transferred. I stop for 12 seconds until the red dots appear. My pictures from my residence are not shown at all, although they all have GPS coordinates. I consider this feature dispensable. I would agree to disable it temporarily until we have a better solution one day.

5) Keywords An ancient and confusing design. I would prefer to see real rankings. But in my opinion it is without any priority. Does anybody even use something like that?

6) Community ❗❗❗❗ This is an absolute priority! Because the information about it is scattered in many places. See: It is very bad to expect the users to search for it themselves. For a start it would be enough to realize a quick solution: Let's create a subpage where this content is listed and further linked.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Here is the updated alternative proposal from Spo.
See also his earlier contribution to this discussion above.

Landing Page (sketch 5)

This proposal is equally supported by the ima team.

We ask for your comments on both existing drafts.
Further drafts are welcome.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Public Relations club
Ik vind het een geslaagde pagina in onze huisstijl.
Ik zou alleen - bij een introductie-pagina voor ipernity - beginnen met "Who we are"
Helaas kan ik de teksten niet of nauwelijks lezen, dus voorlopig daarop geen reactie
3 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Public Relations club
I also realized you have already provided good bullet text already. I only have had no time to read them through before. But now I did.

I only have few remarks, but it would be easier, if those bullet lines could be available somewhere as text.

And what comes to "Read me" -links, I already try to figure out where they could lead, and what could they offer. However, I also suggest that we can leave some of them out at the moment, and figure out later, where they could lead.

What comes to link "The mos beautiful pictures by our members", and what was previously asked

"Is it the ‘Ipernity Photo Gallery’?
Is it the ‘Ipernity Hall of Fame’?
Is it the ‘Showcase of Excellence’?

I say it could be similar as the current Explore > New when it comes to layout. I only wonder if that can be done with group search results. From those three options I would choose 'Ipenity Hall of Fame, and shows search results for "mos active":

Reasons: For some reason one can not run such search at 'Showcase of Excellence', and at 'Ipernity Photo Gallery' the quality does not seem to be so good.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
raingirl club
It's starting to come together! Good work everyone.

It's a bit hard from this image to get into any detailed considerations (like what is said next to the headings), but in terms of the layout it seems clean and easy to quickly understand what's going on here, and that would get the point across.

To me, this last one is better in terms of quick glances - getting the info across. I like the readability of the headings.

I still like the layout of the prior one better, but that is probably just my artistic eye speaking not a marketing eye. I'm trying to think if there is a middle ground. [It may be that this lastes is the middle ground, I'm just still pondering the idea.]

I can't be sure, but is that a "Join Us" link at the bottom right? If so, that's great!
What would it be like to make that link more in line with the rest of the layout - maybe having it centered at the bottom but a wider/bigger box? I'm thinking about this because while this page is about giving information, the hope is that they will like it and join. Let's make it really really easy for them to notice that 'join us' link.

Maybe the 'Join us' link could stay at the bottom, but we could add a 'Join us' link at the top on thefar right side of the large "Explore!" header. I'm thinking that since one scrolls down to see everything, it would be good to have that at the top as well as at the bottom.
3 years ago.
Spo has replied to raingirl club
I agree, there should be another join button.
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Update of Picture #3:

Landing Page #3 Web Quality (update)

3 younger persons,, 2 people of colour.
All real members of our community!

Inspired by 'Kiezkickerde' (see comment above).
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
I have started to write bullets for landing page on Google Doc. Please send me iper mail, if you wish to get edit rights link for it.
3 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Sami, we will now start the public discussion about the club news with the version shown below, as it is programmed on the test server.
Changes can be made at any time afterwards.
3 years ago.
Team club
Programmed version on the test server for further discussion.

2021-0119 Landing Page

(The collage is still being exchanged.)
3 years ago.
Realbeck club
Just a remark on this line:

"Our website is hosted at the technology leader Amazon Web Service"

This is probably too technical. We might rather show the benefits.


Our website is fast, reliable and secure. (Based on the leader in industry: Amazon Web Service)
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Realbeck club
Thanks! Our native speaker Rob would modify it to:
Our website is fast, reliable and secure, hosted by the industry leader: Amazon Web Service.
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Der Kommentar von Katja unter den Club-Nachrichten 2021-01-22 erinnert uns daran, zusätzlich noch die Freiheit der Kunst bei ipernity hervorzuheben, die in Art. 13 der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union verbürgt ist.
Wir heben uns dadurch von gewissen Social Media ab, welche die Freiheit der Kunst in Teilbereichen massiv einschränken.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Team club
Arlequin Photographie hat angeregt, von der neuen Explore-Seite auch auf eine Präsentation der „besten Bilder“ Bilder von ipernity zu verlinken. Wir haben uns deshalb eingehend mit der Problematik befasst: ▶️ Die „besten Bilder“ Bilder von ipernity

Weil wir mit dem Ergebnis noch nicht zufrieden sind, bitten wir die Mathematiker unserer Gemeinschaft um Unterstützung.

In dieser Untersuchung (Abschnitt 4) weist Bergfex auf ein interessantes neues Tool zur Bildbewertung mittels künstlicher Intelligenz hin. Wer Freude am Experimentieren hat, kann es sich ja mal anschauen.
3 years ago.
Team club
Blue line

January 28, 2021:

We thank you for the suggestions you made with respect to new 'Explore' page.
As it has otherwise met with broad approval, we are now starting to roll it out in all languages.

Blue line
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
This discussion is now closed because the 2020 relaunch is completed.

There is a follow-up discussion for a refresh of the site in 2023.

Follow this link, please: Landing page 'Explore' - Refresh 2023
11 months ago. Edited 11 months ago.

This discussion has been closed by Public Relations.