Group: Promoting ipernity

14.4 LinkedIn - ipernity & ima

By A raingirl club
29 Nov 2021 - 1 comment - 249 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Here you can post ideas on how we can improve ipernity's visibility on LinkedIn, both the ipernity and ima accounts . It would be desirable not just to brainstorm, but to come together in a productive working group to actually turn promising ideas into reality.

Blue line
Here in the main article we will record agreed measures and name the volunteers who will take care of their realization.
Blue line

So far one club member has offered to administrate our LinkedIn ipernity account and our LinkedIn ima account accounts.

▶️ Eric Desjours


- to add regular posts on our ipernity and ima pages relating to events on the site.
For example, Eric announced the presence of ipernity on youtube, supported by members videos.
It takes a bit of imagination to highlight more or less significant events!
The important thing is that our pages live.

Club News should be a support, to which a post of a link to the Club News could happen bi-monthly on LinkedIn. New features announcements, new members info etc. could also be shared, with a bit of glamour/attractiveness.

- The LinkedIn IMA account should join thematic LinkedIn groups related to photography and social networking.
Eric has subscribed to 4 groups. So the members of these groups are notified of my likes and shares of ipernity pages and others.

- The best thing would be for the IMA account to comment/answer on the posts in these groups, or even post its own information/topics - without advertising for ipernity but the slogan (Ipernity, the probably largest non-commercial online photo club in the world) is visible each time a post/comment is added.

- As on Facebook, LinkedIn members from ipernity should subscribe to ipernity and ima pages, should like the posts and share them on their own pages.
 Eric Desjours
Eric Desjours club
== FR ==

Merci Laura pour cette introduction.

Comme vous le savez, LinkedIn est un réseau social à visée professionnelle.
C'est une communauté digitale destinée aux affaires, aux entreprises, aux associations, aux personnes qui recherchent un travail ou encore aux recruteurs. Aujourd'hui il met en relation 150 millions d’utilisateurs actifs.

Il fonctionne à partir d’une page personnelle mise en ligne par chaque utilisateur et entreprise, exactement comme un CV : on y partage notre expérience, nos objectifs, toute autre information destinée à créer un réseau de relations, gagner en visibilité et favoriser notre objectif professionnel.

Il regorge de groupes thématiques, sorte de forums de discussions permettant de s'informer et de discuter des centres d'intérêt les plus variés.
Par exemple, le groupe "Photography (2056064)", 148 mille membres, rassemble ceux qui ont en commun le goût de la photographie.

Pour une association comme ipernity, LinkedIn est un excellent moyen de faire connaître notre site dans le monde et de nous attirer de nouveaux membres et amis, dans l'optique de le péréniser dans le temps.

Comme Facebook, LinkedIn fonctionne par prise de contact et par "posts". Chaque nouveau post ou partage est visible par tous nos contacts.

Nous possédons à ce jour une page "ipernity", originellement dédiée à l'entreprise Ipernity SA, et un compte "ima", administrateur de la page "ipernity". Bernhard Westrup (bergfex) et moi-même sommes également administrateurs de ces pages.
Il existe aussi un groupe, "Friends of ipernity", dont nous avons réclamé l'administration à son fondateur JF. Carrasco désormais inactif.

Comme indiqué ci-dessus, faire vivre ipernity sur LinkedIn consiste à :

1/ En tant qu'administrateur, poster régulièrement sur les pages "ima" et "ipernity" les événements relatifs à notre site : Club News, publications sur Youtube et autres réseaux sociaux, publication des "Home Page Collections", etc.

2/ Posséder un compte personnel LinkedIn, y développer votre réseau et y faire connaître ipernity par les moyens mis à disposition : abonnement, partage et "Like" des pages ipernity sur LinkedIn, adhésion et participation active aux groupes relatifs à la photo et aux réseaux sociaux.

Merci de proposer ci-dessous votre collaboration à notre animation LinkedIn, proposer des idées, des conseils etc.
Eric Desjours

== EN ==

Thank you Laura for this introduction.

As you know, LinkedIn is a social network for professional purposes.
It is a digital community for businesses, companies, associations, job seekers and recruiters. Today it connects 150 million active users.

It works from a personal page put online by each user & company, exactly like a CV: we share our experience, our goals, any other information intended to create a network of relationships, gain visibility and promote our professional goal.

It is full of thematic groups, like discussion forum where we can get information and discuss a wide range of interests.
For example, the group "Photography (2056064)", with 148 thousand members, brings together those who share a taste for photography.

For an association like ipernity, LinkedIn is an excellent way to make our site known to the world and to attract new members and friends, with a view to perpetuating it over time.

Like Facebook, LinkedIn works by making contact and posting. Each new post is visible to all our contacts.

We currently own an "ipernity" page, originally dedicated to the company Ipernity SA, and an "ima" account, administrator of the "ipernity" page. Bernhard Westrup (bergfex) and I are also administrators of these pages.
There is also a group, "Friends of ipernity", whose administration we have requested from its founder JF. Carrasco who is now inactive.

As mentioned above, keeping ipernity alive on LinkedIn consists of :

1/ As an administrator, posting regularly on the "ima" and "ipernity" pages events related to our site: Club News, publications on Youtube and other social networks, publication of "Home Page Collections", etc.

2/ Have a personal LinkedIn account, develop our network and make ipernity known through the means provided: subscription, sharing and "Like" of ipernity LinkedIn pages, membership and active participation in groups related to photography and social networks.

Please propose below your collaboration to our LinkedIn animation, propose ideas, advice etc.
Eric Desjours
2 years ago.

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