Roger (Grisly)'s photos

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08 Mar 2024

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227 visits

The Palace Moat,

One corner of the moat that surrounds the Bishop's Palace, Wells, Somerset, St Andrew's Spring, from which the city takes its name. The spring supplies St. Andrew's Well from which water flows at a rate of 40 imperial gallons (180 L) per second into the moat which holds 4 million imperial gallons (18,000,000 L).[ The palace is the official residence of the Bishop of Bath and Wells and has been for over 800 years HFF and a good weekend..... Large view please.

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08 Mar 2024

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121 visits

Somerset Style

Older style house on Cathedral Green, Wells, Somerset, HWW!

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08 Mar 2024

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206 visits

Penniless Porch,

Market Square, Wells, with the cathedral as a backdrop and the Penniless Porch mid-photo, The three-story porch building is constructed from Doulting ashlar stone, which is quarried in the nearby Mendip Hills. And It was named for the beggars who plied their trade there, The Penniless Porch was painted by the artist William Turner in 1795 A good choice of seating in the marketplace, HBM and a good week! Large would be my choice!

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12 May 2023

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164 visits

Forever Autumn

A novel fence in front of another fence! Wish you all HFF and a good weekend! Large for clarity, please.

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03 Aug 2023

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152 visits

Brick & Tile Kiln

Bridgwater Brick & Tile Museum in an analogue image from 2008, Local clay formed into Red Bricks and roof tiles were fired 5000 at a time in a constant temperature for four days then left to cool for another four days. At one time there were 1,300 brickyard workers in Bridgwater with products shipped all over the world, This trade kept the local wharves and quays and public houses extremely busy. 16 of these yards with up to 6 kilns each were dotted around the town, HWW !!!!

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13 May 2023

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158 visits

Twin Lochs

Mist begins to form in this shot of the Lochs of Laich and Linnhe with the Ardnamurican peninsula as a backdrop to the much photographed Castle Stalker and Stalker Island, In 16.9 format so a large view really would be appreciated.

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13 May 2023

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191 visits

Scenic Road

Short barrier fence beside the A82 Trunk as it passes "Sgòrr nam Fiannaidh" on its way through Glencoe, "Sgòrr nam Fiannaidh" is a 3172.5ft (ca. 967 m) Monroe and is the western summit of the Aonach Eagach Ridge. HFF and a great weekend, A large view is recommended!

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17 May 2023

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186 visits

Cool Water!

The Sound of Jura reaches the Kintyre coast at Kilkenzie near Westport, Kintyre. Large for colours and detail please!

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24 Jan 2024

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131 visits

At the Bus Stop

St Mary's Church, Isle of Wedmore, on a very welcome sunny and mild January day, The grade 1 listed church is mainly 15th century, although some 12th- and 13th-century work survives. HBM and a nice week, Large view if you have the time please!
1313 photos in total