Well-known silhouette around the world...


Norman tenements

27 Feb 2019 6 6 297
... and on PiP a mansion "Belle Epoque", typically for Cabourg and the Norman seaside resorts.

Norman mansion in the evening sun - HFF

27 Feb 2019 32 46 466
The 15th century carriage house "Boule d’Or"., one of the mansions scattered throughout the countryside.

Il faut bien un café au coiffeur....

02 Jul 2015 13 9 290
Amateur de cafés typiquement atypiques, en voici un, ouvert depuis 1928. Si on ne s'y fait plus couper les cheveux (la maison a conservé son activité de café-coiffeur-barbier jusqu'en 1972), le lieu n'en demeure pas moins unique et attachant. Lovers of typical atypical coffeeshops, here is one, opened since 1928. No hair is cut any more there (the house kept his activity of coffee- and barbershop until 1972), but the place remains no less unique and endearing.

Village like a postcard

27 Feb 2019 9 6 217
Bouvron-en-Auge is a small Normandy village with the distinctive and attractive architecture of the region. It's affiliated to the Label "the most beautiful villages of France".

Anchor ring looks for a boat!!

Ebb tide starting

Parking error...

30 Mar 2019 11 15 365
2nd PODIUM WINNER, CWP "Street Photography" MARCH 2022

Cinq siècles d'histoire - pavillon d'entrée de Car…

22 Apr 2019 40 62 487
The gatehouse (16th C.) with 4 circular turrets is a two-storey pavilion which construction combines red and black bricks and is considered the first witness of Renaissance architecture in Normandy.

Glycine et vieilles pierres

22 Apr 2019 17 20 362
Le château de Carrouges (14e-17e siècle) est entouré de douves en eaux vives et fait de brique, de granit et d'ardoise. Il abrite également de somptueux appartements au décor Renaissance. Autour de la demeure, l'agréable parc de 10 h a conservé ses splendides grilles en fer forgé du 17e siècle.

Château d'Ô

22 May 2019 10 15 282
No, it is not a chateau in the Loire Valley! It is one of the many in Normandy which are smaller but nevertheless fascinating (and with much less tourists...).

The sky is switched on...

Amazing sky...

26 Jul 2020 31 34 326
... with these field of fleecy clouds. CIEL ETONNANT avec ce champ de nuages moutonnées. TOLLER HIMMEL mit diesem Feld von Schäfchenwolken.

La soirée continue...

26 Jul 2020 48 66 419
... et un peu plus tard le tableau du ciel s'est montré ainsi. THE EVENING CONTINUES... .. .. and a little later the sky "painting" appeared like this. DER ABEND GEHT WEITER .. und wenig später zeigte sich das Himmelsbild so.

Dans les jardins du casino

08 Aug 2019 17 26 314
Et puis le soir tombe par taches Les musiciens rangent leurs saxos Et leurs violons et leurs moustaches Dans les jardins du casino (Jacques Brel)

Sweetness of the blue hour - HFF

Little chapel in the grassland

14 Sep 2019 22 30 390
In a vast grassland, further along the river Sarthe there is this small 15th C. chapel on the site where Saint-Ceneri originally settled. The chapel contains a statue of the Saint to which various miracles have been attributed: young ladies hoping to get married soon should bring a needle with them to the chapel to stick in the robe of the saint - if it stays in place you will be married within a year. Equally, ladies wanting to get pregnant should lie on the large stone in the chapel floor, which was the stone on which the saint slept, and can expect to fall pregnant shortly.

Nocturne à St Ceneri

14 Sep 2019 6 10 255
Built on a former sarcophagus in the 11th C., the church is in a simple roman style and built in sandstone and granite on a rocky promontory. The main decorative element being the arches in the clocktower, and contains some very high quality frescoes painted in the 12th and 14th C. In part, the frescoes are in such good condition because they were plastered over in the 17th C. only to be redicovered 200 years later!!

Comme si le temps s'était arrêté...

04 Jul 2021 32 52 275
Posé dans une boucle de la Sarthe qu'enjambe un petit pont de pierre, Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei "enroule" ses anciennes maisons de bourg autour de l'église romane du XIe s. aux fresques exceptionnelles. Sur l'autre rive de la Sarthe, face à la charmante chapelle du XVe s., une source miraculeuse, née de la prière de Saint-Céneri, aurait le pouvoir de guérir certaines maladies des yeux... AS IF TIME HAD STOOD STILL... Placed in a loop of the Sarthe spanned by a small stone bridge, Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei "wraps" its old town houses around the 11th C. Romanesque church with exceptional frescoes. On the other bank of the Sarthe, opposite the charming 15th century chapel, a miraculous spring, born from the prayer of Saint-Céneri, would have the power to cure certain eye diseases ... ALS WÄRE DIE ZEIT STEHEN GEBLIEBEN... Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei liegt in einer Schleife der Sarthe, die von einer kleinen Steinbrücke überspannt wird. Die alten Bürgerhäuser sind um die romanische Kirche gebaut (11. Jh., mit aussergewöhnlichen Fresken). Am anderen Ufer der Sarthe, gegenüber der bezaubernden Kapelle aus dem 15. Jh., befindet sich die "wundersame Quelle". Sie soll aus dem Gebet von Saint-Céneri entstanden sein und die Kraft haben, bestimmte Augenkrankheiten zu heilen...

317 items in total