high rise


high rise

08 Feb 2009 2 7 977
one floor down. one window over. got it? yeah. oh man, do I ever. ok, what are they doing? there's no way to describe it. ok. I'm sending in the A-team. this has gone on long enough. but you just have to admire it, know what I mean? on some level, I see it. but not now. they're history. too bad. it's perfect. all good things must come to an end. including printing untraceable, perfect counterfeit bills. it almost makes me want to cry. have a donut. you'll get over it.

my patio

22 Oct 2007 4 7 1120
we'll have drinks outside, jeeves. I shall see to it immediately, monsieur. and bring the yacht around. yes, sir. we'll only need a half crew today. say 15 girls? as you wish. undressed, of course. of course, sir.

control center

03 Feb 2006 6 2 2149
sir, I am getting some strange transmissions. from where, corporal? just beyond pluto, sir. is it intelligible? it's in bug-speak, sir. but I can read their coordinates. what are they? they're here! on earth! it's an invasion! scramble the fleet, on the double. yes, sir. and break out all the bug spray you can find. got it, sir.

long shadow

24 Oct 1979 12 2 1656
there! see him? no, where? 27th floor, 2nd window to the left. hey, forget that guy. look at the 28th floor. oh man, you're right. forget him. who is she? I don't know, but I'm putting on a longer lens.


02 Jan 2007 20 10 2618
stanley? what is that man doing? what man, dear? see? in that window? stanley! that man isn't wearing pants! put the binoculars down, edna.


09 Dec 2007 4 3 932
this is where we're meeting gino? yeah. and the boss says don't be late. geez, it's huge. where we meetin' him? I dunno. first we gotta figure out how to get in. yeah, there ain't exactly a valet. no room service either.

brand loyalty

26 Jul 2008 3 1 880
I see 'em boss. 8th floor. who's there? it's rico and louie. really? what are they doing here? they only work the tampa area. gotta be a hit, right? that's what they do. so one of our clients decided not to use us, I guess. so it seems. loyalty means nothing anymore. gee. it makes me kinda sad. me too. in an unemotional stone killer kind of way. yeah, that's what I meant. for sure.


03 Jul 1998 1 2 912
go knock on the door. where will you be? hiding over there. what do I do when they answer? get out of the way, fast. why? so I don't hit you, is why. good plan.

sensory deprivation

05 Jul 2009 6 3 1135
watch our backs. there's nobody here, man. they're here, all right. I can feel it. what if they catch us? too horrible to consider. they're that bad? hey, they're not human, remember? where do they come from? don't know. but their tentacles give me the creeps.

lord of the flings

06 Mar 2016 10 1 1655
they're up there. where? in the church. no way. they wouldn't dare. it's true. i can smell 'em. get the ropes. we'll go in from above. not a problem. just keep me covered. remember, they don't have eyes. they see radio waves. well turn off your iphone then. good idea.

they watch

06 Apr 2008 12 5 2581
we come in peace, earthling. yeah, right. no, really! we do! well then, what's that thing you're holding? this? oh, it's nothing. a mere fashion bauble. what's it do? oh, it does emit a powerful death ray, I guess. a what? capable of liquifying most carbon-based matter. you mean, like humans? well, now that you mention it, yes, I suppose. cool.


21 Sep 2008 3 1 794
send a signal. all forces are aligned and ready. but, sir, the bugs have jammed all of our communications. don't bother me with details, son, just do it. sir! the bugs! they're massing! dammit, where, private? sir, in the basement! they're coming up the air shafts! break out the particle beam disintegrators, now boy. my god! there's millions of 'em, sir! we're cut off! hand me that weapon. and where's my cigar? we're gonna have some fun tonight

help me rhonda

07 Oct 2008 1 682
it's in the clock tower. when are we gonna get it? tonight. we lie low til then. what about the night watchman? don't worry. rhonda will take care of him. yeah? how? you've seen rhonda. you shouldn't have to ask. yeah, right.


07 Oct 2008 1 1 992
looks pretty modern, for a school that opened in 1907. it's not the original building, you idiot. hey, I didn't go here, ok? no kidding. no way they'd let you in. you're one to talk. I got in, didn't I? yeah, before they threw your ass out. a mere technicality. spoken like a true technician. all the way.


14 Sep 2008 4 1 1003
sire, these humans think that we're ivy! yes, the fools. the master's plan was a stroke of brilliance! it took about 20 years to get this far, sire. only another 20 and. . . exactly. we're inside! victory is in sight! sire? what is that human carrying? is it. . . ? is it. . . ? my god! it's. . .clippers!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


08 Feb 2009 3 2 1229
you got the package? I got it. ok. deliver it to the 44th floor. don't forget. don't worry, I can handle it. 44. I'll remember. yeah? like last time? hey, we were in Rome. c'mon. I don't speak Italian. numbers are numbers, you moron. even in Italian? forget it.

room service

04 Jul 2009 1 720
stanley? are you awake? I am now dear, what is it? I'm hungry. could you make me a little something? but edna. it's 4 o'clock in the morning. I know, but I need something. what would you like? oh, nothing fancy. you choose. oh, ok. and give the cat some food too, will you? the cat? I don't like eating in front of her.

blather control

07 Feb 2009 1 668
look at 'em out there. completely clueless. it's true, sire. as soon as night falls, we break out of this tin can and take over their city. brilliant, master. in the meantime, let these yokels stare at the so-called 'art.' excuse me, your awesome. where is the bathroom? what? you have to go? there's no bathroom aboard this vessel! you'll just have to hold it! I'm afraid I cannot. the long trip has taxed my capacity, sire. dammit, sherman! if I let you out, your tentacles and eye-stalks will be a dead giveaway! our plan for world domination will be shot to hell! it's my weak constitution, master. dammit! well, go up on top. maybe these morons will think you're a fountain. I'll do my best, o wise one.

176 items in total