Deborah Lundbech's photos

Three's A Crowd

10 Apr 2014 2 2 144
Posted for the monthly theme for Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: THREE'S A CROWD Tintype of three men taken in a studio. No information on who or where they are. I believe I found this at the Warrensburg, NY annual town wide sale in 2013.

The Obsession Has Begun

15 Nov 2020 5 147
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: BOOKS My lifelong addiction to books is in it's early stage here. I'm three and a half years old and living in Walthamstow, London. Of course, now I'm really wishing I could see what I was reading!

"The Cup That Cheers...

11 Aug 2013 5 5 154
...but doesn't (ahem) inebriate." (Quote from one of the beloved English "William" books.) Uploaded, late again, for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: DRINKING I think all of my alcohol drinking photos are already posted. There's quite a few! Here's my mother (on the left) and her friend drinking their tea on the beach. Isle of Wight, late 1940s.


18 Mar 2018 4 139
I couldn't find anything for the "Tall" theme this week (not much time to look) but here's a snap for the monthly theme of "Two people". (And my "Vintage Twins" group.) Written on back: Greetings to a good cook from one who remembers. Guess who is which. Raymond A. Crell Boatswains' Mate U.S. Coastguard. Raymond is rite - Raynold left. Raymond gave this to {Ma? Anna?} the last time she saw him, for me. Send it back.

Shoulder Snuggle

06 Jan 2018 2 2 167
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: OVER THE SHOULDER (SOMETHING OR SOMEBODY) From an album given to me by a library patron. The photographs were taken in and around New York in the years c. 1917 - 1921.

Reflections in a Window

18 Nov 2019 4 2 142
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: REFLECTIONS IN A WINDOW Found photo in Grand Isle, Vermont. A RPPC, the stamp on the back indicates a timeline of 1904 - 1920s. Sorry - no time to post lately - but hope to be back very soon.

A Bustle for the Ages

07 Sep 2020 5 2 183
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: FASHION (in its day) If you can look past the wear and tear on the body a dress like this took - with whale bone corseting, wire bustle, and the weight of all that heavy fabric and beading - it is a work of art! Beautifully draped satin with large pleats, gorgeous beading, a sweet high ruffle, and incredibly fashioned and gathered material for the bustle.

First Communion - 1880s?

07 Sep 2020 3 1 142
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of RELIGIOUS It's also going into my album of Vintage First Communion photos. (Check it out!) She's wearing her white dress, a puffy bonnet veil, and has a long rosary around her neck.


08 Dec 2019 4 4 146
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: OUR AD AGE I'm very short of advertising images as I don't collect them and seemed to have used the ones I had - but here is one that I find a little odd. It seems like it would be "Cola" obviously, but that first letter doesn't seem to be a "C" or in line with a double lined "C". Any thoughts? I'm late posting, but it looks like other people are, too! Written on the back: Mary 19 years old Only difference now she wears glasses

Walk Softly But Carry A Big Stick

02 Sep 2018 4 4 144
Uploaded (late) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: ADAGE ILLUSTRATED

Pear Tree in Bloom

02 Sep 2018 4 5 154
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: FLOWERS OR TREES This is a little photo taken somewhere in New England c.1920 and is part of an album and loose photos gifted to me by a patron. I find it remarkably sweet, for some reason. Can anyone decipher the last word/words? It's also going into my fairly new "Laundry on the Line" album!

Handbag, Fancy Dress, and Shiny Car

10 Mar 2013 4 1 157
Where was she going? Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: HANDBAGS Found photo. I like the little detail of the young woman riding her bike in the background.

Family dinner, 1961

18 Jan 2011 4 4 181
Late contribution (sorry) to Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: MILKMEN OR MILKWOMEN - Or anything else related to milk, dairies, or home food delivery. You'd think that, since my husband's mom (at the head of the table) worked as a marketing person at the local dairy, I would have plenty of examples for the theme - but, no! Here's the family at dinner with Snoopy under the table - and the boys having milk with their dinner. Ron (Dad) is taking the photo. 1961, Springfield, Vermont.

Dancing on the Stage

28 Nov 2015 3 3 213
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: Gotta Dance! Two little English girls take the stage in England c. 1950. Mickie on the right, unknown on the left.

Blurry But Charming

07 Oct 2013 3 5 189
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: BLURRY BUT CHARMING This is a glass plate negative. You have to take a chance when you buy them because it's hard to see how much in focus they are. I've been really lucky over the years and most of the glass plates I've bought have been great, but even those that aren't perfect often have charm. I'm cheating because I couldn't decide between two of them, so I'm putting another blurry but charming glass plate negative under this one! Both of these were purchased in New York state.

Blurry but charming #2

My Bedroom, Early 1969, #1

17 Dec 2012 5 6 217
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY This photo has two theme components. First, it was taken by my favorite Christmas present ever (as I've said before) my Polaroid Swinger (instant) Camera. Outdated but if I could get my hands on one today - with easy to get film - I'd be crazed with joy. I had SO much fun with that camera. Slowly building an album of my snaps, but everything takes too much time! Secondly, featured on my desk - along with my diaries (bracketed by black cats with gold highlights) and my decrepit childhood teddy, is my typewriter. I was pleased with the present, but the ribbon was a pale blue and it never typed well at all. As was very typical in my family - it stopped there. No-one (including me) sought out how to fix it or improve it's performance. I limped along with it until my first year of college. Can't even believe I used it that long. In truth it was so annoying to use I probably hand- wrote most of my school papers, anyway! Anyway, this is a series of 4 polaroid photographs of my bedroom at age 14 in early 1969. Soon after this, the flags were replaced by a giant wall sized collage I made - and George Harrison (in the last photo) was joined by the rest of the Beatles in place of the big eyed children. The quality is poor in all of these - but I love having a memento of my long ago room!

My Bedroom, Early 1969 #2

11 Dec 2012 2 137
My cat, Cindy, jumping down from my bookcase.

4768 items in total