Deborah Lundbech's photos

Little Reader in the Rain

19 Aug 2021 15 16 168
Uploaded for the World Photography Group. Taken today, August 19th, on a rainy afternoon in Vermont and in a sadly neglected corner of my garden. Cheers, everyone. I look forward to seeing the other contributions!

Martyr's Memorial, Rayleigh, Essex, England

17 Aug 2021 2 1 119
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: STATUES AND MONUMENTS This English RPPC was taken in what I always considered my hometown - Rayleigh, Essex. At some point along the way I realized that I only lived there for six years, 1958 - 1964. I was absolutely incredulous - as were my family and other clueless fellow emigration travelers. It seemed as though we lived there a lifetime. We had to keep counting years to believe it was true. Anyway, in those days of daily shopping, we passed "the monument" on High Street several times a week. It definitely held a weird fascination for me, imagining the horrifying burning of people. Two of them were burned on this spot and two were burned in London. The monument was erected in the early 20th century by local Protestants to honor the "Protestant Martys" burned by (I suppose) Catholics during Queen Mary's reign in the mid-1500s. Thousands of people attended the unveiling of the monument. Luckily, Rayleigh High Street is extraordinarily wide and could accommodate them all. [See below].

Four On A Swing

15 Aug 2021 3 1 93
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: SWINGS AND HAMMOCKS From an album given to me by a library patron. Taken in July of 1917 - New York or New Jersey. Below is another swing photo, taken by me in 1966, of my friend Jackie at the Clinton Avenue School playground, Fair Haven, CT. We are both 12 years old and will be going into 7th grade that fall.

Big Ben and Westminster Pier

15 Aug 2021 2 1 100
Taken by my 10 year old self and uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: ICONIC LANDMARK/TOURIST DESTINATION. My Nana is the cut-off person to the left. Everybody looks very dressy! I see the London bus in the background is advertising Typhoo tea, mmmmm. This was right before we emigrated and we're seeing "the sights" for the last time. We're on the pier to catch a boat down the Thames to Richmond and Hampton Court. As for posting this (and others) - I'm late late late - but busy busy busy!

The Toy Shop

04 Jul 2021 4 3 127
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: STORES (INTERIORS OR EXTERIORS) The Christmas tree in the window shows that this is a Christmas shot despite the warm weather dress. Quite a lot of the photos from this collection were taken in Florida or California. I think this is probably Florida as I seem to remember this woman in other Floridian photos. Lots of neat toys displayed in the window, and some interesting board games as well. From a packet of photos given to me by a library patron.


27 Jun 2021 2 151
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: CURLY Found photo, Vermont. No other information, but what a cutie!

The Television

14 Jun 2011 5 1 261
Brought forward for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: TELEVISION IN THE LIVING ROOM My brother-in-law Peter and my husband Brian, c1963 Springfield, Vermont. Weird looking television. A Zenith, according to Brian.

Carlyle and Mildred, Plus a Cart in Chiavenna, Ita…

13 Jun 2021 3 3 95
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: WHEELBARROWS OR CARTS Technically, this is neither wheelbarrow nor cart - but I wanted to post this photo, so I'm stretching it with a wagon. I've posted a cart below just to be obedient. : ) I got this photo and a bunch of other cool ones from a craigslist posting. They are all photos from several generations of a single family with German roots, living in and around NY. The photo of the horse and cart below was taken by my mother on her holiday in Switzerland and Italy, 1951. Taken in Chiavenna, Italy.

"Little Old New York"

04 Oct 2009 3 2 203
Brought forward for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: CITIES Taken by Harry or Agnes King in 1922 as they came into the New York City harbor as immigrants from Britain. I wonder about the other immigrants on the boat. How many of them were successful and happy in America? How many struggled and wished they had never come? How many returned to their homelands? Despite some late in life tragedies, Harry and Agnes made a good life in America. Harry's mother visited the following year and then joined them in this country several years later. They never returned to England or Scotland. Harry and Agnes both died in their late 80s and 90s - Harry first in Florida in his late 80s, and Agnes in Vermont, in her late 90s.


31 May 2021 3 9 121
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: NUMBERS IN A PHOTO A difficult theme for me, but I did find these two photos with license plate numbers showing - even if they are only partially visible. This is my brother Nicholas at 13. Taken in Fairfield, Connecticut, 1969. Below is my mother and aunt, taken in Virginia in 1965, shortly before the brakes failed on the car - although we had come off the blue ridge mountains by then.

Nurses on the Steps

31 Jul 2012 3 4 293
Brought forward for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of "Nurses, doctors or hospitals". Brought forward again for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme off: HOSPITALS Maybe that's the matron with them. Found photo in Brattleboro, VT. 2012. I really wish I could make out the name on the door. It's Memorial Hall something but I can't get the first word. I'm guessing this is the 1920s.

My Great Grandparents (Gregory)

03 Dec 2008 3 5 315
My great grandparents - William J Gregory born St Luke's, London 1866 and Mary Ann (Polly) Gregory nee Smith born St Luke's Shoreditch London in 1862. Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park Theme of: WINDOWS AND WINDSHIELDS (photos through or of).

In A Row

24 Apr 2020 6 2 150
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: IN A ROW Probably factory workers c. WW1 Kindly given to me by a library patron.

Southend, Essex, 1964 and 1958

25 Jul 2010 2 4 225
Brought forward for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: AMUSEMENT PARKS Showing "The World's Longest Pier" (one mile long) in the background, and the seafront Amusement Park with the ferris wheel and the "Bumper Cars" sign visible. We used to love taking the train to the end of the mile long pier. Some other examples of the Southend amusement park for younger kids, Peter Pan's Playground, below. (1958).

Hidden Gem

25 Apr 2021 4 6 158
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: TATTERED & TORN (or otherwise damaged) This Cabinet Card is showing all the wear and tear created by me when I separated it from a photo pasted on top of it. (See below.) I think a corner had come up and I had seen enough to want to see what was clearly another photo beneath the top one. I pulled it off very slowly by steaming the back of the card and the white spots are the imperfect result. The first photo ended up getting destroyed though (although it was already scanned and saved) - but I wasn't that attached to it as the girl's face was strangely overexposed as well as the baby's dress. I much preferred the (imperfect) one I ended up with in real life. Found photo in South Burlington, Vt.


12 Apr 2021 4 1 152
Uploaded (late) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: ODD BACKDROPS OR BACKGROUNDS I find this so, so weird. These two women, with their strange tightly curled hair, stare seriously (actually joylessly, for the one on the right) at the photographer with their hands in a similar pose. Their feet seem to be resting on real leaves. Behind them is a very odd backdrop. Against a strange, muted backdrop cloth there are misty trees with one leafless one hanging upside down over a stump. Even stranger, to the right is a crudely drawn path leading up to really bizarre house/cabin. There appears to be a roof - was this white stick house drawn on another earlier one? It has an extremely narrow door, no windows apart from the fancy ones at the top, and no roof behind the point. It looks as though it's imitating a child's drawing, but it really doesn't look like a child's drawing. hmmmmm.

American Food

12 Apr 2021 4 1 109
Uploaded (late) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: FOOD Here's a photo of my dear Nana on her visit to America, 1967. My mother is introducing her to something we had never tasted before we emigrated; unavailable and (I think) unheard of in Britain at the time - corn on the cob. As usual, Nana is game to try anything. My grandfather, I'm sure, declined, and is probably in the living room. I took after my father and would have died rather than try any new food. I didn't eat corn until I was an adult. (Along with a legion of other things.) This shows our apartment kitchen before it was covered in yellow and orange '70s flowers. Here, we still had our formica table, plastic paper napkin holder with paper napkins, and either Hummel salt and pepper shakers, or Hummel knock-offs - which strangely, no matter what they were, I have no memory of.

"The Breadwinner"

02 May 2011 3 1 203
Brought forward for the Vintage Photos Theme Park Theme of: WORKING IN AN OFFICE My father hard at work with a pen and paper in the Internal Revenue Office, London, England c.1953 Second of three titled pictures in an early 1950s album.

4750 items in total