Deborah Lundbech's photos

Side By Side

27 May 2022 1 118
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: SIDE BY SIDE From an album given to me by a friend and library patron. c. 1920

Mount Ascutney Hike, 1976

21 May 2022 1 6 152
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: BIG SMILES. It's early spring of 1976 and we had all been partying hard the night before. Not only was I new to living near mountains, (let alone hiking up them), but I am quite severely hungover. So... part of the the big smiles are laughing at my sorry state and part of the big smiles are having reached the top of Mount Ascutney on a beautiful spring day with winter behind us - and just being young and happy.

Dandelion Time Telling #1

18 May 2022 1 103
My youngest grandson, Emerson, telling time by dandelion clocks. Who else did this when they were little?

Dandelion Time Telling #2

Dandelion Time Telling #3

18 May 2022 2 92
12 o'clock!

Ruth, 1967

16 May 2022 7 2 128
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: FROM THE PHOTO BOOTH. This is my cousin Ruth, 1967. I think this was taken in Kresge's, New Haven, Ct. I remember this was a shift-type dress with blue and purple stripes.

3 Generations of Mothers

08 May 2022 2 8 102
Mother's Day, 2022 with my mother, myself, and two of my daughter-in-laws.

Crossed Arms and "Stroppy"

09 May 2022 4 7 133
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: CROSSED ARMS My cousins Pat and Heather in 1964. Pat is the one with crossed arms and attitude - "stroppy" she calls herself now. haha. She is thirteen and Heather is fourteen. Rayleigh, Essex, England - the morning after one of our "going away" parties (emigrating to the States).

Automobile With a Twist

20 Apr 2022 4 4 165
On the last day of the month, here's the monthly Vintage Photos Theme Park topic of AUTOMOBILES featuring a 1920 dune buggy. Look at that sail!

Hat in Hand

20 Apr 2022 5 2 164
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: HAT IN HAND New York or New Jersey,1919. From an album given to me by a library patron. This is Marie (Diltzer) O'Connell b.1895, age 24.

This Was the 1920s!

20 Apr 2022 9 9 186
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park Theme of: THIS WAS THE [YOU NAME THE DECADE] (Please explain why the photo represents the period) In this case, here is the 1920s in the United States - for a relatively comfortable, up and coming middle class family. I don't know the year or model of the car, but the woman's hair, coat, dress, and shoes all look like the 1920s and on the early side of that decade to me, but I could be mistaken. I like the way the woman is holding a spray of flowers. Looks like chicory. Part of a collection of photos I got from VT Craigslist - purchased from a woman from the New North End, Burlington.

In An Irish Kitchen

20 Apr 2022 2 4 145
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: SOMEONE'S IN THE KITCHEN Here's a photo of a wonderful family in their kitchen. My friend and I stayed with them at their bed and breakfast in Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland in 1974. It's wonky so that I could fit them all in. Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn, Eilis, Joe, Brendan, Siobhan, Tom, Sheila and one more whose name I don't have.

By the Sea

17 Jan 2018 6 4 168
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: SITTING ON A PARK BENCH, although not strictly following the theme as this is clearly a sea front bench! Our neighbors and (later) our fellow emigrants, Auntie Vera and Ruth c.1959 somewhere on the east coast of England.

Twins or Trickster?

24 Apr 2020 3 162
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: STRIPES Twins or tricksters? Pretty sure this is a trick photograph (the tear down the middle, but this is one photo) and there are several others on the page, all single images. Anyway, her (or their) striped dress fits this week's theme! In an album given to me by a library patron.

The Dummy in Our Bed

23 Mar 2022 1 2 118
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: PLAYING A TRICK: HIGH JINKS Written on the back; Walthams, Ed, & Mary put a dummy in our bed. Kennebunkport See below for the "revenge". (Both are two of many photos given to me by a library patron.)

Not Happy Mom With Glasses

23 Mar 2022 4 4 139
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: EYEGLASSES, GOGGLES, AND OTHER EYEWEAR This was a cheap eBay purchase of lots of photos in an envelope.- some of them Photo Booth pics, like this one. I used to find it a little disturbing because the mother looks mean and the kid looks a little "off". Now I just think this is a face I probably made many times when trying to catch my own four boys looking pleasant. There was always one who pulled a face like this, or screwed the family pic in other ways - and it used to royally tick me off!! So I'm changing the narrative of this photo in my mind - she's a warm loving mom with a mischievous little boy who's just driven her to the brink! See below for another glasses photo from the same purchase.

Basin Street, c.1940s? 50s?

02 Jun 2013 2 3 139
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: OUT IN THE YARD OR GARDEN Sometime in the mid 1990s, I went to the Town Clerk in Bristol to ask if she knew of anyone in Bristol who had once lived in our (1870s) house. She directed me to an elderly woman (Margaret) who lived several streets away. I walked over and knocked on her door and had a lovely meeting with her. She told me that she and her sister (also in her 90s and living on the west coast) had lived in our house in the 1920s and she remembered with glee how the two of them used to sled down our VERY steep hill toward the river at the bottom of the street. I asked her if she possibly had any old photos that I could borrow and copy, and she told me she thought she did and would let me know. Life moved on, keeping me busy with four young boys. Several years after this, I was walking past her house and saw a man in his late 60s sitting in front of her house and selling household goods. I stopped to talk to him and introduced myself. He told me that Margaret was his mother and had recently passed away. He remembered her telling him about my visit and promised to look out for any photos for me to copy. He then reached over and gave me a sweet little jug and sugar bowl that had belonged to his grandmother (Margaret's mother) - and told me that I could "return them" to Basin St. He also told me that he had fond memories of visiting his grandmother at her (now our) house on Basin Street. Months later, my family and I returned home from a vacation and found several photos in our mail box - this is one of them. He did not live in Bristol and I never saw him again, so I'm not clear on who this is - but this is our yard showing long gone elm(?) trees, a much newer retaining wall, a snowball bush, and the house across the street looking quite spick and span rather than the abandoned Adams Family-type house it is now. Now that I've retired, I'm hoping to take this, and the other photos, to the Historical Society this year to see if anyone can identify the people who are "out in the yard or garden" on Basin Street.

Ball Baby

28 Jan 2013 6 3 162
Uploaded for the Feb 21 - Feb 27 2022 Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: HOLDING A BALL Found photo in Bristol, VT, 2013 This photo was one of about three that I bought in 2012 with the idea of selling vintage photos on Etsy - a very short-lived idea when I thought about how much I'd make vs how much I hated packing and sending things in the mail! It's cute, though. I like the roundness of the baby's head and eyes matching the roundness of the ball.

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