Pat Del's favorite articles

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    Elle ne vit que par sa forme Elle a la forme d'un rocher Elle a la forme de la mer Elle a les muscles du rameur Tous les rivages la modèlent. Ses mains s'ouvrent sur une étoile Et ses yeux cachent le soleil Une eau lavée, le feu brûlé Calme profond calme créé; Incarnant l'aube et le couchant Pour en avoir connu le fond Je sers la forme de l'amour Elle ce n'est jamais la même Je sers des ventres et des fronts Qui s'effacent et se transforment Fraîche sais…

  • Various pictures I love....

    Lovely pale sunset
    Hiya folks, well not a lot has happened here, hence no blogs - then I thought that I could still write a blog but of older photos!!! Just to show you some of the pictures that I love, maybe because of when they were taken or else why they were taken. If I remember rightly I took this picture when I was in Tunisia - I just loved the various shadows that showed up against the fading sky. This was taken looking out to sea from Instow. The setting sun is reflected on…

  • Just finished the pony for a baby

    The little rabbit
    If you remember, I had said that I was making a soft toy for the grandchild of Yvonne, my neighbour. Well it was going to be a rabbit, but Mandi said that it looked closer to Piglet from "Winnie the Pooh"!!!! So rather than send the young baby with a less than beautiful outcome, I decided to make little Teddie a miniature of the one I sent Mickey. This is the rabbit, and can you see why I'm not too keen on it. All I had was the pattern, no instructions, so maybe that's why it's not tu…

  • Le sikhisme, une philosophie tolérante et égalitaire dans un gant de fer

    Haut lieu de dévotion pour les Shiks, le Harmandir Sahib, « l’Illustre temple de Dieu », est plus connu sous le nom de « Temple d'Or ». Il est situé au coeur de la ville d'Amritsar dans l'Etat du Punjâb, au nord-ouest de l'Inde, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière pakistanaise.

  • The slight rain has made the garden go wild!!!!

    The loosestrife a gorgeous purple with orange flashes from the mombretia
    Well as far as I'm concerned, living in this part of the UK, we've had a great summer. We've been very lucky to have avoided the severe weather that other parts of the country has endured. We've had lots of sun, but not the scorching heat that other parts have had, we've hardly had any rain, just the odd small shower, whereas other parts have been totally drenched and in parts flooded. We've had some wind, but nothing like the extreme high winds others have had - I swear my little area has it's…

  • So that's what the noise was!!!!!!

    Amazing outline on the window
    During the night before last, I was woken up suddenly by a loud bang. It had just started to get light and I did look around from my bed to see what it could have been but I didn't see anything. I wondered if it had been something upstairs but at that time of the morning, I wasn't going to start exploring. It's hard enough for me to get up the stairs during the day, let alone during the night, so I listened out for any other noises and not hearing anything else, I snuggled down to finish my slee…

  • Immensité

    Splendeur océane...
    Au-dessus de la mer, j’ai vu le ciel S’embrumer de rieuses mouettes Aux cris perçants dans le gai soleil, Jeux d’ombres et de silhouettes. L’immensité si bleue se meut doucement Aux confins de l’horizon incandescent. L’écume de ses vagues s’échoue en mousse Houleuse d’épaves qu’elles repoussent. A l’écrin des regards, ses crêtes irisées Papillonnent aux rivages clairsemés. Comm…

  • Happy 4th July to my American friends

    May I wish all my American friends a very happy 4th July. Enjoy and celebrate folks

  • Just a quickie....

    The bouganvillea looks so striking against the white walls
    Sorry I haven't written for a while, but to be honest, I've been too busy trying to stay cool here!!! The high temperatures here really do take it out of you. We are like wet rags before we even start the day!!! I have only recently been diagnosed with COPD, so the hot weather isn't too good for me. I had hoped I'd be able to walk around with my walker, but to be honest, I'm exhausted just walking down Mandi's drive!! I had hoped to have become rather browner too - but it's too damn hot to sit i…

  • De l’hévéa au caoutchouc industriel

    L'usine de latex
    A une vingtaine de kilomètres de Kampong Cham (Cambodge), sur la commune rurale de Chup, se trouve la Chup Rubber Plantation . Une manufacture de caoutchouc créée par les Français en 1922. Cette usine de transformation du latex était encore dans le début des années 1960, la plus grande plantation d’hévéas du monde.

  • We went for a ride....

    Even though it's a hazy sunset, it still looks goor
    Yesterday Mandi and I went for a ride with the intention of catching a sunset at Turgetries, which is a village on the other side of the promontory to Yashi, where she lives. Well the sunset became a bit wishy washy as you can see... Turgetries is surrounded by an incredible amount of small islands, all uninhabited, and it faces west, so sun setting behind islands does make for superb sunsets. There is a lovely long promenade which enables pedestrians, disabled bikes etc, walkers…

  • I've arrived!!!

    Superb view of the mountains
    Just a quickie to let you know that I've arrived in Turkey at long last, after trying for the last 3 years. The plane ride was great. I'd forgotten the feeling you get when they crank up the engines and you start going for it - buildings, other planes and fields shoot by and then you start rising and everything falls away. Amazing feeling. I took a video of it, which I will post later, and then I took some great views of the mountains before the sun went for a sleep!!! I believe it was the Do…

  • Il faut sauver les éléphants du Mondulkiri

    L’organisation « Mondulkiri Project éléphant Sanctury » a pour mission de sauver les éléphants de la province. Surexploités, épuisés par les travaux de force, ils sont victimes de maladies et ne se reproduisent plus. L’association écologiste indemnise les propriétaires pour qu’ils les laissent tranquilles un moment, afin qu’ils reprennent « du poil de la bête » voire qu’ils acceptent de mettre les plus vieux à la retraite.

  • Ooooh it's only a few days til Mandi comes here!!!

    Sitting up in bed and I look out onto this
    Only a quickie today - I'm getting all excited now that Mandi will be here by Friday!! I've got all the things she loves but can't get in Turkey - crumpets, smoked bacon, hot cross buns, salted butter and cheddar cheese!!!! Well there are some places she could get these things, but they cost an arm and a leg because they are brought in to the country. Yesterday morning I woke up to this gorgeous view. The wind had stopped and the sun was thinking about coming out - he decided not to after a w…

  • Quelques mots...

    Quelques mots...
    Quelques mots flottant dans l’espace En gigue familière aux pas incertains. Je n’ose les poser sur cette dédicace, Feuille à encrer d’un baiser clandestin. Je sais leur destin suspendu à ma plume Cueillis délicatement avec tendre amertume Au moment impromptu où je les ai surpris. Les boucles et les jambages s’en vont s’arrondir Aux courbes des secrets et de mon plaisir. De toute la liberté dont je les ai comblés C’est un sacrifice aux écrits rassemblés, Quelques vers offerts à u…

  • Sad news from Turkey....

    Mandi rang me this afternoon very upset - one of the kittens, the white with black markings, had just died. Apparently the little kitty had cried a lot during the night, and both Mandi and Dogan had tried to comfort it. It wouldn't feed and Pasha was washing it and trying to comfort it, but for some reason it just wouldn't latch on to feed. This afternoon, despite it being in amongst the other two kittens and Pasha cuddling it, it was very cold, so Mandi held it in her hands and tried to rub…

  • It was great while it lasted!!!!.......

    Primroses in the grass
    Yesterday I actually opened the lounge window and kept it open for a couple of hours!!! Then I walked out and round to the front garden and sat in the sun for a while. It was lovely and warm, although it was bitter if you went out into the wind. I noticed large clumps of primroses in the grass, which has to be cut very soon - it's really long and thick!!! While I was sitting there I looked up into the beautiful blue sky and saw two tendrils from two planes crossing the vast expanse....…

  • Action Bénarès : une aide médicale gratuite au service des intouchables

    En 1974, un jeune médecin-routard d'origine française, Bernard-Yves Sabot, pose son sac à dos à Varanasi (nom indien de Bénarès). Devant tant de misère, il ne repartira jamais. Il consacrera sa vie aux intouchables qui, faute d'argent, se trouvent dans une situation sanitaire catastrophique.

  • Championnat de foot à Fort Dauphin

    Fort-Dauphin, dimanche 17 Février 2019 - L’inconvénient quand on est membre d’une délégation officielle, c’est qu’on est invité partout. Dimanche, j’ai dû assister à un match de foot. Moi qui ne prise guère ce sport. Ma présence était « vivement souhaitée » dans la tribune officielle. Une chaise bancale entre le maire et l’ancien ministre du Commerce du gouvernement sortant, candidat annoncé à la députation. Impossible de décliner l’invitation. Ce jour-là, le Dynamic Club et le Plaza Clu…

113 articles in total