Pat Del's favorite articles

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  • The terrible fires in Turkey....

    nature.geography 30-07-2021 09-10-57 (8)
    I'm sure you are all aware of the horrendous fires that are scorching the earth and areas around the southern parts of Turkey. As you also might remember, my daughter lives in that area. She contacted me to tell me that she's okay but the fires have done an awful amount of damage to the beautiful forests near her. The nearest fire is about 3kms from her home, but luckily there aren't any trees near her home, but she's totally drenched the area around the house and also the house itself, just…

  • Gorgeous day so went for a stroll in the garden...

    The purple loosestrife is abundant
    Well folks - it was an absolutely gorgeous day today - with high temperatures in the high 20'sC - such a change from the weather we've had lately. At least we haven't had the horrendous rain that Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands have had, nor so hot like the west coast of the USA - our land may be small, but at least we have been fortunate not to have the extremes others seem to have had. Well I decided to have a stroll around the top garden, because the baby seagull has now flown the "ne…

  • Review - With giant steps through my life - the only constant is change - [fr - es - it]

    1932 Meine Eltern mit mir - miaj gepatroj kune kun mi
    Review - With giant steps through my life - the only constant is change Revue - A pas de géant dans ma vie - la seule constante est le changement Reseña - A pasos agigantados por mi vida - la única constante es el cambio Recensione - Con passi da gigante attraverso la mia vita - l'unica costante è il cambiamento [en - fr - es - it] ................................................................... All translations with Deepl text by Albert Jäger and new photos by Arne Jäger en…

  • 1899 - Ich lebe mein Leben... Rainer Maria Rilke [de - eo - en - fr - es - nl - rus]

    Der Hohe Dom zu Paderborn
    [de - eo - en - fr - es - nl - rus] Fotos von Albert Jäger der Hohe Dom von Paderborn und die Frauenkirche Dresden Rainer Maria Rilke von 1899 Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge ziehn. Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn. Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,…

  • Just a quickie - not done much really

    Pendants made on 25.6.21
    Hiya folks, I realised that it had been 12 days or so since I last wrote to you all - sorry!!! As I don't do much really and certainly don't go anywhere, there's very little to talk about (well not some things I wouldn't like to confess to anyway!!!!) We have had a few days with sun, but not really warm enough to sit outside for long. What on earth is going on with this weather - it looks lovely and sunny, but it keeps bringing cold winds with it. So I still sit down and make more and more penda…

  • My hoya is growing all over the place.....

    The myriad of flowers on the hoya
    I have this plant in my lounge, which I've shown you before. When I moved in here in 1999, I found it in the fireplace in my lounge and it looked exceedingly sad and drooped. So I transferred it into another pot and took it upstairs into my bedroom, put it in front of the window and gave it a stern warning - flowers please soon, or else I'll have to plant you outside!!!!! LOL Well two years later it gave me about 4 flowers, but it was a smallish plant, so 4 was a good amount. Over the years…

  • Les héros des hautes cimes

    Ils travaillent entre 3000 et 5300 mètres d’altitude. Mal équipés et mal payés, au péril de leur vie, les ouvriers des Travaux publics indiens, sous le contrôle de l’armée, ont pour mission de maintenir ouverte la seule route sécurisée qui mène au Ladakh. Un axe vital emprunté six mois par an par des milliers de chauffeurs routiers. Des trompe-la mort, sans lesquels aucune activité économique ne serait possible dans cet État du nord de l’Inde. Une région par ailleurs hautement stratégique, coincée entre la Chine et le Pakistan. Pays avec lesquels l’Inde a toujours entretenu des relations conflictuelles. * Article rédigé en 2013

  • I've had my hair cut!!!!!!

    A simple design, but effective
    Woweee!!! After almost 18months, I've at last had my hair cut. I can hardly believe it. I won't have to wear a hair grip, or suchlike again. Oh I feel so much better. I had to walk through a large shop to the back where the hairdressers are situated, and it wasn't until I browsed some shelves where they were selling petunias, that I realised it was close on 2 years since I last went into a shop!!! I have seen pictures of those markings on the floor, with footprints on them, signs saying "this…

  • Spring has arrived but with the temps of the Arctic!!!

    New blossom on cherry tree.
    Well folks, the weather is playing with us. We've already done the "Spring forward" hour with our clocks a few weeks ago. Two weeks ago it was warm and Emily actually did the first grass cut of this year and I left the window open for a while because it was so warm. Now further along the month and you'd be okay to assume that the temperatures would be going up - er no such luck!!!! I realise that Europe as well as here in the UK have been subjected to horrendously cold weather. Snow and hail and…

  • Guess where I am??????

    As our friend, Mickey has already said - I'm back in hospital. It's so annoying - but hopefully this time they will sort it all out and get the balance of the medications right. When I wrote about not having anything to write about - I didn't need to be brought back here so I had something to say!!!!! On Monday a nurse came to take my blood, which they've done every week since I went home after the last time. On Wednesday my doctor rang me to say that the figures for my kidneys output was too…

  • Sur le toit d`un monastère tibétain....!

    Sur le toit d`un monastere tibetain.... (brut ce samedi matin...) par mon amie Christine le 14 novembre 2009. (De l'authenticité ...) Vous êtes vous deja trouve une nuit, sur le toit d`un monastere tibetain, sur un plateau des montagnes himalayennes, dans le bruit entetant du chant des cigales (ou des grillons?), quelques des voix,des cris d`enfants dans l`espace trop tot eteint, avec pour toute lumiere le ciel etoile et quelques ampoules de ci de la dans la campagne environnante ? Puis a que…

  • Automne

    Désir d'Automne***********
    Le vent joue sa complainte automnale Naissante dans le dernier silence estival. Déjà jaunissent les arbres aux parures verdoyantes Tandis que flamboie la nature mourante. L’été s’en va doucement sur la pointe des pieds. L’oiseau chante la mélodie d’un songe envolé. Ses joyeux trilles hésitent et il se tait, étonné. C’est le temps béni des vendanges où tout change. Septembre adouci va laisser tristem…

  • I walked up my driveway - first time this year

    Pippin loves lying in the sun
    Some of you might not know this, but I haven't been very well for a while now, and walking is hard for me - I struggle to breathe, which funnily enough - you do need to breathe when you go walking - in fact all the time really!!!!. Well it had been such a wonderful few days of unbroken sunshine and at long last - no wind - it was fantastic. So I negotiated my rollator out the back door - and believe me that took a lot of hard work, it's so heavy and awkward - I have to fold it up and lift it…

  • Spring is starting to arrive...... almost!!!

    There are so many bluebells and buttercups ready to bloom
    Well at long last there is growth in the garden - well the driveway at least. The bluebells are sprouting their leaves etc, and it will be quite a few weeks before the flowers come, but it's just lovely seeing the new growth and know that Spring is on its way. It's great looking out to the driveway and seeing all these little shoots coming up. There are a few celandine and buttercup plants are showing too. It's too cold for me to be outside to weed the driveway and to be hones…

  • Les années 20....Années folles...!

    Expo en cours 04
    Elle avait eut juste le besoin que quelqu'un la regarde de la même façon dont elle regardait le monde de l'époque...! Et pour cela que pouvait elle faire d'autre que de fréquenter tous les bars branchés de la Butte Montmartre des années 20. Elle était tellement différente des autres femmes que tout le monde aimait lui adresser la parole et par là même lui confier leurs petits secrets. Après tout ce qu'elle avait vécu ces vingt dernières années de guerre et de combat pour la vie, cela parassa…

  • de - Die Selbstverständlichkeit des Redens über 'Gott' [en - eo - fr - es - port - rus]

    [en - eo - fr - es - port - rus ] Die Selbstverständlichkeit des Redens über 'Gott' ? Wer - kennt - Gott ? Viele Jahrhunderte gibt es nun schon das Wort 'Gott' Die Griechen nannten es ' theos ' die Römer nannten es 'deus' ' Veniunt Iuppiter, summus deus , et Iuno, summa dea , veniunt Apollo et Diana, Neptunus et Ceres ceterique magni dei magnaeque deae .' ' Es kommen Juppiter, der höchste Gott , und Juno, die höchste Göttin , es kommen Apollon und Dia…

  • Souvenirs... Souvenirs...!

    En cette fin d’année 2019, pour notre dernier atelier d’écriture de l’année, on peut le dire à tous , depuis soixante-dix années les souvenirs c’est comme s’il en pleuvait tous les jours… En fait il y en a tellement qu’il y en aurait assez pour remplir des bouquins et peut-être même en faire une nouvelle encyclopédique de plus de 1500 pages… Et tout cela, en fait pourquoi et surtout pour qui ? Personne parmi mes connaissances n’a une réponse à cette question. Dans tous les cas ce ne serait…

  • My octofloops have found a good home!!

    The better octofloop
    Emily contacted me yesterday to say that her daughter, Ruby, was in love with her octofloops. I'd made the big one for her Christmas present, but because I'd already cut the other one out, I gave it to her as well. Emily sent me this picture of the main octofloop after having been unwrapped ..... I was pleased by how it came out..... I think they look rather cute together - and apparently Ruby thought so too. I was very touched that she was so happy with them, because I know she's…

  • A very happy Christmas to everyone

    I've even come down the chimney for you!!!
    Just wanted to drop in and say a very happy Christmas..... See I even came down the chimney for you. There's no snow this year - but my wishes are the same to you all - happy Christmas folks. I do love you all, and just want to thank you for all your uplifting comments and friendship. Please enjoy this season and may I wish you all a very prosperous, healthy and happy New Year.

  • Os à moelle et pot au feu...!

    J'y pense pour dans la semaine , on est en octobre 2021 et pas très chaud en ce moment....Allez je republie une année plus tard...!!! Et alors ...!!! Allez en cuisine...!! « Os à moelle et pot au feu… » Il y avait longtemps que j’y pensais à mettre ce sujet au goût du jour et y adjoindre ces os à moelle qui sont plutôt de saison en ce mois de novembre. Bien sûr j’ai attendu le jour de mon anniversaire pour vous en parler et publier ce texte de l’atelier d’écriture exceptionnel de ce jour.…

112 articles in total