Emily contacted me yesterday to say that her daughter, Ruby, was in love with her octofloops. I'd made the big one for her Christmas present, but because I'd already cut the other one out, I gave it to her as well.

Emily sent me this picture of the main octofloop after having been unwrapped .....

I was pleased by how it came out.....

I think they look rather cute together - and apparently Ruby thought so too. I was very touched that she was so happy with them, because I know she's been having problems of OCD etc and therefore school isn't too good a place for her - so to see her like this....

made me so happy. She's singing to them, and the way she's placed them, they actually look as if they're listening to her. I do hope they help her. Emily says she hasn't seen her so happy for a long time - so there's hope.

I just wanted to let you know that my little toys were doing their bit. Maybe I will carry on making them. I heard yesterday, that my neighbour Ann, had given the big white one to a newly born baby!! There's going to be octofloops everywhere at this rate!!!!

I hope you all had a great Christmas. I spent Christmas Day on my own, which was fine as I'd rather that if I can't be with my children. Today my son came up to see me and we had a wonderful few hours together. Now all we have to do is get the New Year over and done with and it's back to normality - whatever normality is!!!