Yesterday Mandi and I went for a ride with the intention of catching a sunset at Turgetries, which is a village on the other side of the promontory to Yashi, where she lives. Well the sunset became a bit wishy washy as you can see...

Turgetries is surrounded by an incredible amount of small islands, all uninhabited, and it faces west, so sun setting behind islands does make for superb sunsets.

There is a lovely long promenade which enables pedestrians, disabled bikes etc, walkers and joggers to go freely along a distance of 3 or 4 kilometres alongside the sea. It's lined with palm trees and looks very exotic.

As we drove along the coastline, I was amazed at how clear Kos was. It's fantastic, that just 7 kms away is another continent (Europe), another country (Greece) is so close. Whenever I've seen the island, it's always been during the day and it is often hazy and so I couldn't see the details. Yesterday, however, the sun was shining on the buildings and I could actually make out Kos town. I do hope that sometime while I'm here we might just make it a day trip there, but maybe not, as I'm finding it very exhaustive doing things here in this heat. It was around 34C and very humid.

There are some amazing houses here, everywhere we went, the houses were just fantastic, with nearly all of them having a sea view.

I don't think I'd mind having any of these as my home!!! Just before we left Turgetries, I managed to capture a few last moments of this hazy sunset. It still looked very nice.

Then we drove over a few small hills with so many new builds and small markets scattered around. There was an amazing 5* hotel on its own little headland. Here it's all inclusive, and there is everything holiday makers would need all in that complex. It's such a shame really, because some of the tourists don't leave the hotel the whole time they're on holiday so they miss seeing the rest of this beautiful country and meeting more of the lovely people.

Going round the coast, we then could see the bay of Yashi which is where Mandi lives. It's got some gorgeous little islands in the bay too, but it faces south, so you don't get the sunsets. You do get the sun though!!!!

So you can now see how lucky my daughter is to live in such a beautiful part of the world. She loves being here and I can totally understand why. I am intending to move here soon, to be with her and her hubby. I do realise that I am not getting more mobile and I am getting older. Soon my home in the UK will be too much for me to handle on my own, so it stands to reason that a move here would be more beneficial for my health.

I hope you all have a wonderful week