Sorry I haven't written for a while, but to be honest, I've been too busy trying to stay cool here!!! The high temperatures here really do take it out of you. We are like wet rags before we even start the day!!! I have only recently been diagnosed with COPD, so the hot weather isn't too good for me. I had hoped I'd be able to walk around with my walker, but to be honest, I'm exhausted just walking down Mandi's drive!! I had hoped to have become rather browner too - but it's too damn hot to sit in the sun!!! I'm a shade of tan, but not as brown as I used to get. Still I suppose it's good news as far as caring for my skin is concerned.

Well today, Mandi and I felt desperate to go and have a cooling swim. So Dogan told us that the pool at his hotel was quiet. So off we shot ...... he lied!!!! The pool was full of screaming kids. There is a sign by the pool which says "No jumping in the water. No diving. No splashing. No ball-games". This is so other users can enjoy the water too - well even though the sign was in Turkish as well as English, those kids didn't read it because they were jumping, splashing and diving in!!!

I could feel Mandi's resentment coming off her in waves. Of course Dogan wasn't there at this time, so everyone ran amok!!!! Well we both got in the pool and cooled down. We sat for a while on the chairs there, as all the loungers had been taken over, some of the tourists had even come up from the beach to take the loungers down to the beach!!!!

Well after an hour or so, we decided it was a good idea if we went for a quick run around and get some cat biscuits while we were at it. The car was like an oven but with the windows wide open it was bearable.

The views of Yashi bay is fantastic. Everywhere you look you almost always see the sea or mountains.

This is Bitez bay which is over the hill from Yashi. We had to go here for the cat biscuits as they are so much cheaper than near Yashi.

When we got home, the kittens were waiting for us. We discovered that one of the garden cats had given birth yesterday inside the couch outside!!!! She'd had 4 kittens, but Mandi and Dogan just can't take any more kittens, so we hope the mother cat will take the kittens away herself.

This is Fluff, she's so adorable and seems to get into everything, if she can!!

The thing is - when you look like this - you can get away with nearly everything.

Well folks, I'm just beginning my last two weeks here - time has flown by. Apparently Pippin is okay back home, and even has started to purr when my neighbours pop in to feed him and check up on him. I do miss him a lot, but at least I'm still getting my cat fix here. One of the garden kitties - Batman - is always ready to greet me and she comes to me talking and purring. Then she insists on climbing up to my shoulders and snuggling in - she's so affectionate. If I could, I'd take her back to the UK with me.

Okay I must close now - I'm really tired, too much hot air! I hope you all have a great weekend.