Last night Mandi and I went for a car ride to the next town on the coast, Turgetries. We decided we'd have a meal and watch the sun go down - great.

This is a great house at the top of the mountain overlooking Yashi Bay - the beautiful view they must have. Three years ago there was an awful brush fire from the other side of the mountain which almost burnt this house to the ground, but for some reason, the fire diverted and completely missed them, thank goodness.

The road down to Turgetries, with the Greek island of Kalimnos in the background. There are a lot of small islands dotted around this part, and they do make wonderful backdrops for a sunset!!!

Everywhere you look, these gorgeous plants (bourganvillea) are all over the houses - with white walls, it's absolutely stunning.

This gorgeous flower graces a large tree, with leaves which look like a fern or a palm, so I haven't a clue what it's called. It's stunning however.

We eventually arrived at our restaurant, having had to push my walker (rollator) over cobbles - not the most pleasant of things to do - my arms were killing me by the time I got there!!! That's Kalymnos, Greece, there in the background and further along is Leros, also a Greek island. Everywhere you look you see mountains and the sea - my idea of heaven.

This is one of the many gorgeous hotels lining the promenade in Turgetries, they face the sea and the gorgeous sunsets...

The sunset was an astonishing orange. It was incredible. I don't see these deep colours in the UK, maybe you out there do, but this was wonderful to see. Unfortunately the sunsets here only last about 15 minutes from beginning to end, so you have to be quick. I took loads of pictures, much to Mandi's surprise!!!

As it was the last day of Ramadam - the fasting period of the Islam religion, called Bayram. So therefore there was much celebration and the traffic was incredible. I swear there are people out there behind the wheel, who've never taken a driving test, let alone passed one!!!! No indicating, not sure of what lane they want to be in, suddenly stopping because they've seen someone they know walking and want a chat and suddenly deciding that they have to cut across you to get to the turnoff because they were in the wrong lane!!!!! How Mandi was able to drive us is beyond me. I've driven abroad many times, but the traffic here at the moment is a big no-no to me!!! I passed my driving test in 1974 in London!! I live in Devon which is famous for its narrow lanes and roads, yet there is no way I'd even attempt to drive here during Bayram week!!!!

There was a lot of celebrations going on and at the hotel next to us in the restaurant, there were some children dancing...

Back at home, Mandi and I were greeted by the chaos the two little kittens have caused!! They are into everything, hiding in places where their mother can't find them (at times, neither can we!), climbing up the mozzie screen, knocking over the pot-pourri and playing with the dried petals and leaves!!!

This is Fluff, she couldn't decide if she was awake or still asleep....

This is Tiger, who might look innocent but she's fast becoming a nightmare, being totally unafraid of doing anything...

Eventually they both calmed down and went for a quick snooze in my bedroom - Mandi managed to capture them here and thankfully they went back to the lounge when I went to bed, so I was able to close my door without having cats and kittens running all over my bed during the night.

I'm now half way through my holiday here, and the heat is really being a bit of a problem for me. We tend to stay indoors for most of the time, because it's so damn hot out there. It's around 35C - 37C (which is 95F - 98.5F) now that's too hot and trying to get into a car which has been out in the full sun, is a nightmare. It takes me ages to try to cool down, with the windows wide open and trying to catch a breeze. We are hoping to go on a boat trip, so that'll be nice, I think Mandi will be jumping off the boat into the sea, I'll stay onboard and take pictures!!!!

I wish you all a great rest of the week.