Keith Burton's photos

Staunton Country Park, Havant, Hampshire (+PiP)

04 Jul 2023 26 41 110
Known locally as Leigh Park Gardens...............a huge country park which is around a 10 minute drive from my home. The weather was a bit hit and miss, but I managed to mostly avoid the rain showers, by dashing into the trees. The image in the PiP was taken around 20 minutes after this one and shows a wider view of the lake and the gathering clouds. There is an interesting history of the park in the link below for anyone who might be interested:

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly (Aglais urticae) (+P…

01 Jul 2023 29 40 122
On Sea Holly. Taken at Hinton Ampner House and Gardens, a National Trust Property near Winchester, in Hampshire. Another image in the PiP if you have time. Thanks for looking.

Scarecrow Potrait

01 Jul 2023 27 38 110
A not-very-scary scarecrow.........spotted in the vegetable garden at Hinton Ampner House and Gardens, a National Trust Property near Winchester, in Hampshire. See the PiP fo check out one of the seats..........also in the gardens.

Grey Squirrel

28 Jun 2023 28 37 110
Taken in my garden. This lovely squirrel is a regular visitor and can often be seen checking out the bird food table and feeders to see if there are any left-overs!

Bees on Sea Holly (Eryngium planum)

01 Jul 2023 31 44 118
Taken yesterday during a visit to Hinton Ampner House, a National Trust property near Winchester in Hampshire. Large is good..!!

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

11 Jun 2023 27 28 95
Taken in my garden. My thanks to everyone who has visited and commented on my photos recently, it's always much appreciated. Have a good weekend everyone!

Black & Yellow Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata)

28 Jun 2023 29 30 113
Taken in my garden on some Feverfew flowers. I saw it flying at first, and thought it was a wasp! This is the first time I've seen one of these in the garden, so I'm happy to have got this one. Please view large if you have time..........thank you for looking.

Bee in Flight

22 Jun 2023 30 31 144
This is what I would call an "if only" this case, "if only" I had used a faster shutter speed..!! Even shooting at 1/2000 sec wan't fast enough to freeze its wing movement...............the nearest wing is beating so fast you can't even see it! Better viewed large if you want :-)

Love-in-a Mist (Nigella Damascena)

03 Jun 2023 25 34 107
Taken in my garden. These have all pretty much finished flowering and are going to seed. Their seedbeds are beautiful............see the PiP to see what I mean. They will eventually go brown, which is also a photogenic stage.

Yellow Loosestrife

22 Jun 2023 12 20 84
These are wildflowers, but have quite a large clump of them in my garden.........I captured these in a neighbour's garden though as she has a better background than the brick gable end of my house!

Large White (Pieris brassicae)

22 Jun 2023 25 28 100
This Large White, is the first butterfly I've seen in my garden this year, which is very disappointing so far. Hopefully I'll see more as the summer progresses. It's also known as a Cabbage White and it is the one that gardeners dislike most (together with it's relative the Small White).

The Old House at Home. (+PiP)

21 Jun 2023 22 25 86
A beautiful old public house.........situated in Havant, Hampshire......... the town where I live. Please check out the PiP for details of what it says on the plaque.

Street Art from Portsmouth & Southsea (+PiPs)

17 May 2023 26 28 104
Some more street art from down my way. All taken in the last month or so. Please check out the PiPs as well. Thanks for looking and have a lovely Sunday.

Pocket Watch

19 Jun 2023 31 40 115
My wife found this beautiful little pocket watch in a charity shop quite some time ago and it lay forgotten in a drawer until I was rooting around looking for something to photograph. I was impressed by the lovely decoration of the case and the watch face. It is hallmarked sterling silver. In this image it is around three times life size! I've wound it up a little and it seems to be working, but it obviously needs a serious clean and service. If you view large you'll see some dust and hairs underneath the glass, as well as the gorgeous painted circle of flowers. I plan on taking it to a professional to have it looked at and see how expensive it will be to sort it out as we think it is something our granddaughter would like.

Bee on Purple Toadflax (+PiP)

22 Jun 2023 32 42 100
Taken in my garden yesterday afternoon. Please check out the PiP if you have time. Have a splendid Friday and I hope. you are all looking forward to the weekend.

Houseboats (+PiPs)

16 Jun 2023 24 32 98
There is a large Houseboat community on the seafront at Shoreham-by-Sea, in West Sussex. Strangely they are situated almost immediately in front of a housing estate. I was going to walk over the bridge to get a closer look, but I've read that (probably quite rightly) the residents of the houseboats aren't keen on people gawking at them and taking photos. These are taken at 100mm (which was the longest zoom I had with me) and considerably cropped. Best viewed large, I think. The large vessel looks as if it's new to the site........ and it seems to having a lot of work done to it. Please check out the 2 PiPs if you have time :-)

Fading Beauty

19 Jun 2023 24 32 123
This came from a bunch of flowers that were past their best. Photographed indoors in natural light from the window.

Spirea Japonica

19 Jun 2023 29 42 106
Also known as Japanese Meadowsweet. Taken from my garden and photographed indoors. Try it large, if you want :-))

7228 items in total