Keith Burton's photos

Hollyhock Flower

08 Jul 2023 21 30 115
Taken in my garden.

Staunton Country Park, Havant, Hampshire (+PiPs)

04 Jul 2023 24 42 109
This colonnade and steps are all that is left of the mansion house that stood on this spot from around 1865 until it was demolished in 1959. Better viewed large, I think. There are two more views in the PiPs. Thanks for looking.

Greedy Crow

07 Jul 2023 25 34 113
This was taken at the Heath Pond, Petersfield in Hampshire. This crow was stealing the food being fed to the ducks and had grabbed so many duck pellets that his crop was all swollen and it couldn't even fully close its beak! If you view large you can see the pellets in his beak, which he was unable to swallow :-))

Small Hover Fly on Flower

01 Jul 2023 33 46 137
I'm afraid I'm not sure what the flower is (possibly a variety of Dahlia)? If anyone knows I'd be grateful. Please view large if you have time.........thank you.

Poppy Seed Heads

01 Jul 2023 25 30 152
Taken during a visit to Hinton Ampner House and gardens, a National Trust property near Winchester in Hampshire. I spotted the seed heads in a wildflower border and they were crying out to have their photo taken :-)

The Chinese Bridge (+PiP)

04 Jul 2023 23 34 103
In Staunton Country Park, Havant, Hampshire there is a small island in the lake, on which used to be a Chinese style summer house built in 1833, and this bridge was built at the same time. The summer house was demolished in 1865 but the bridge remains. The stonework is original but the woodwork has been replaced (in the same style) over the years. The PiP shows another perspective on the bridge,. Better viewed large..........thanks for looking.

Bee........about to land (+PiP)

01 Jul 2023 27 46 145
A bee in flight and just about to land on a St John's Wort flower..........taken in my garden. Please view large if you have time. Thank you. The PiP shows a bee already in the flower collecting pollen taken a couple of minutes later. Not sure if it's the same bee.......there were so many around I lost track of it.

Marbles (+PiP)

19 Jun 2023 21 34 112
My wife often says she thinks I've lost my marbles.........but it's not true, here they are :-))) I even have a back and white set (see the PiP for proof)! Have a great week everyone..........

Allium Seedbeds

01 Jul 2023 19 28 113
I saw a huge patch of Allium seed heads in the gardens of Hinton Ampner House and though they would make a good natural abstract. I hope you agree..............please try viewing large! Thank you.

Angel's Fishing Rod (Dierama)

01 Jul 2023 23 32 107
Taken at Hinton Ampner House and Gardens, a National Trust property near Winchester, Hampshire. Another view of this lovely flower in the PiP.

Ladybird on Feverfew Flower (+PiP)

28 Jun 2023 25 28 106
Taken in my garden. Please check out the PiP to see a Bee on the feverfew, also taken in my garden. Thank you.

Staunton Country Park, Havant, Hampshire (+PiP)

04 Jul 2023 26 41 105
Known locally as Leigh Park Gardens...............a huge country park which is around a 10 minute drive from my home. The weather was a bit hit and miss, but I managed to mostly avoid the rain showers, by dashing into the trees. The image in the PiP was taken around 20 minutes after this one and shows a wider view of the lake and the gathering clouds. There is an interesting history of the park in the link below for anyone who might be interested:

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly (Aglais urticae) (+P…

01 Jul 2023 29 40 120
On Sea Holly. Taken at Hinton Ampner House and Gardens, a National Trust Property near Winchester, in Hampshire. Another image in the PiP if you have time. Thanks for looking.

Scarecrow Potrait

01 Jul 2023 27 38 107
A not-very-scary scarecrow.........spotted in the vegetable garden at Hinton Ampner House and Gardens, a National Trust Property near Winchester, in Hampshire. See the PiP fo check out one of the seats..........also in the gardens.

Grey Squirrel

28 Jun 2023 28 37 107
Taken in my garden. This lovely squirrel is a regular visitor and can often be seen checking out the bird food table and feeders to see if there are any left-overs!

Bees on Sea Holly (Eryngium planum)

01 Jul 2023 31 44 118
Taken yesterday during a visit to Hinton Ampner House, a National Trust property near Winchester in Hampshire. Large is good..!!

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

11 Jun 2023 27 28 91
Taken in my garden. My thanks to everyone who has visited and commented on my photos recently, it's always much appreciated. Have a good weekend everyone!

Black & Yellow Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata)

28 Jun 2023 29 30 109
Taken in my garden on some Feverfew flowers. I saw it flying at first, and thought it was a wasp! This is the first time I've seen one of these in the garden, so I'm happy to have got this one. Please view large if you have time..........thank you for looking.

7221 items in total