Panorama of Wuyi Tea Fields

Tea 茶 čaj

Folder: China
Podľa jednej z legiend poznali ľudia v Číne čaj už v roku 2737 pred naším letopočtom, keď sa čínsky cisár Šang-nung, zvaný tiež Božský vladár, spisovateľ a filozof, vydal do lesnej krajiny, aby tu v pokoji na rozjímal. Usadil sa v pustom lese a pohrúžený do svojich myšlienok meditoval pri ohníčku, kde mu vrela voda. Zrazu zavial vietor a z neďalekého kríka strhol so sebou niekoľko suchých lístkov,…  (read more)

Ripe dark tea

Tea pyramids

Čajový dejchánek

New year with the pu'er tea!

11 Jan 2009 9 1 1411
Puer tea (普洱茶) Pu'er, Pu-erh, Puer, Po Lei or Bolay is a variety of post-fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. Post-fermentation is a tea production style in which the tea leaves undergo a microbial fermentation process after they are dried and rolled. This is a Chinese specialty and is sometimes referred to as dark tea. There are a few different provinces, each with a few regions, producing dark teas of different varieties. Those produced in Yunnan are generally named Pu'er, referring to the name of Pu'er county which used to be a trading post for dark tea during imperial China...

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