safe house

Detroit City

No Ifs, Ands or Butts

28 Sep 2013 9 412
good morning, herr doktor. ah, there you are, my boy. just in time to help with my demonstration. of what? how proctologists can minimize the chance that their colonoscopy patients will suddenly explode! what? now pull down your pants and bend over. doktor! what is that thing? it's. . . huge! this, er. . . probe? mein gott! it's quite heavy. but don't worry! you'll hardly feel the pain. eventually. but. . . ! butt is right! (hmmm. that reminds me: I'll soon need another assistant.) you will? to clean up the mess, of course! the things we do for science!

Tough Shit

22 Sep 2012 5 392
hey, man, you got anything to sell? no, dude, I'm all out, sorry. come back next week. c'mon! I can't wait that long! too bad. now get on outta here. for sure you got some of that special mix hidden away. you want me to invade my private stash? no way. damn. that's cold. tough shit. you'll live. I hate drinking milk straight! yeah, the best chocolate makes the best cookies. it do. it definitely do.

Transitive Inference

20 Apr 2019 5 1 554
good morning, father. good morning, my son. can you maybe help me out with something? of course. the red candle is taller than the yellow candle. the yellow candle is taller than the blue candle. which candle is tallest? tallest? hmmm. can I see them? I'm afraid not. is there a prize if I get it right? of sorts. you get to consider yourself as smart as Egon. who's that? my pet bird. wow. so, uh, Egon got it right? he did. is he, you know, around? forget it. you can't ask him. bummer.

Communist Party

09 Mar 2018 9 481
hey comrade. you going to the party? what party? you gotta go! all the guys are gonna be there! yeah? who's all the guys? you know: joey stalin; vlad lenin; karl marx; leon. . . leon? who's he? trotsky. oh. I dunno. those guys are kind of a drag. rosa luxembourg will be there too. rosa? she is a total babe! ok, I'm there. good. you bring the beer. me? why me? because those other guys are complete deadbeats. that is so true.

Cleo's Mood

18 Mar 2012 9 417
darling, it's a great day for a walk, don't you think? sorry, not now. I'm too busy with spring clean-up. ok. what time will you be finished? you mean what year, don't you? uh, year? and move your car. it's blocking the garbage hauler.


20 May 2019 12 2 782
what's happening? I'm waiting. for what? for the portal to open. portal? to where? you may not want to know. but I do! sure? yeah! stand here. ok. what's gonna happen? nothing. nothing? to me. but you're about to become my mindless entertainment for the day.

Psycho Killer

18 Mar 2012 7 1 357
eddie's here, boss. you wanna talk to him? did he bring the thing? he says he don't got it no more. then no. take him over there. what should I do with him? see to it nobody talks to him. you mean, like ever again? what, do I gotta spell it out for you? no boss. I get the idea. good. do it, then bring me a cannoli. you want coffee with that? yeah. and no cannoli for eddie. I guess he's had his last meal. yeah, and I hope he enjoyed it. do you? not really.

You Can't Get There From Here

20 May 2019 11 5 649
do you believe in heaven and hell? no, but I believe in you and me. I think god would approve of that. me too. so we should get to heaven, right? probably not from here, though. no, probably not.


28 Jul 2013 6 442
ok, mrs. lubner, it's all done. let me see. . . what the hell is this? isn't it awesome? you call that a paint job? well, yeah, among other things. are you nuts? I guess they didn't tell you. I'm the antihero in this movie. that explains a lot. don't it though.

The Way of the Wolf

22 Sep 2012 2 246
hey, archie, whatcha doin'? oh, hi earl. just hangin' out, you know. is this where you live, man? yeah. nice, eh? you kiddin'? it's a dump! what, your hole in the ground is better? we're wolves, man! we're supposed to live in nature! not in. . . . not in. . . this. actually, I just pulled a very nice persian rug out of a dumpster. I think it'll look great in here. you know, that might actually work. totally. so, you gonna be howlin' at the moon tonight? does today end in a y? it does. so you know the answer. cool. see you there. got it.

Bunker Buster

20 May 2019 9 1 519
the new air raid shelter is finished, major. excellent. let's have a look. hardened steel installed? as per your specs, sir. 6 foot cement walls? absolutely. extra-thick ceiling cap, with no openings? no open. . . what the. . . ? wait a minute! are those. . . holes in the ceiling of my bunker, corporal? uh, yes, sir. that's what they look like. sir. it's completely open! what is the meaning of this outrage?! we, uh, thought you'd like some. . . decorative touches. sir. decorative touches?! are you serious? we can change them, sir. we could, ah, make them a little more, uh, square. sir. square? you think that would be more appropriate, design-wise? oh, yes, sir. certainly sir. they would match your buttons! hmmm. they would at that. very well. see to it, corporal. right away, sir! who'd have thought? a tiny little decorative touch can go a long away, right? yes sir! very much so, sir!


10 Jun 2019 6 4 331
I love your clubhouse. it's very cool, isn't it. can I join? no you can't. why not? because you are not cool. really? really. but I brought a 6-pack. see? so? and. . . sandwiches! hmmm. let me take a vote. ok, you're cool enough. gee, that was easy. the bar, as they say, is low.

Priced to Sell

11 Jun 2017 8 1 530
I'll take it. take what? I'll take this place. what do you want for it? sir, it's not for sale. this is a public university. don't give me that. everything has a price. how much? I see. well, how about 50? 50 thousand? er. . . . right! well, I don't have that kind of cash on me right now. how much do you have? let's see. . . $200. it's yours. really? enjoy. bye. where are you going? my bus is here. I have an. . . appointment. can't miss it. oh, well thank you! it's been a pleasure. a real pleasure.


22 Aug 2013 9 552
centurion: alert the crew that we are approaching earth. yes, master. we'll dock in the middle of that city. won't we be spotted? I mean, we're an arcturan star cruiser. have no fear. the new design of our craft is perfect. the humans will never even see us. we'll be. . . invisible. it is somewhat unconventional, isn't it, master? you think? the ship was built to look like one of their many abandoned auto factories. we'll fit right in! as they say, when in rome, do as the romans do. we're not going to rome, centurion. not even close. it's just a figure of speech, master. learn another. and say nice things about detroit. I do, I do! all the time.

Weatherman Faction

30 Jul 2011 6 1 481
what's up man? actually, I'm getting the band back together again. band? what band? you're not a musician. the weatherman. from the old days. those guys? don't tell anyone. it's a secret. you've already been a fugitive once. you wanna be one again? the world has gone nuts. especially here. I know. hell, everybody knows. so, can I join? sure, just go to our web site. web site? your underground group has a web site? hey. it's all marketing. know what I mean? the world truly is nuts, alright. I know. have your credit card ready.

Nuclear Winter

18 Mar 2012 8 1 359
look, dear, the girl scouts are selling cookies. let's get some. go ahead if you want. but I don't see a future in it. what? it's cookies! I'm just a little pessimistic today, sorry. what about? oh, armageddon. the end of the world, that sort of thing. whatever brought that on? dunno. must have had too many blueberries on my pancakes this morning. that'll do it, all right. I'm sure it has nothing to do with those incoming contrails. what? where? forget it. we better eat those cookies. before they melt.


20 Apr 2019 4 1 501
why're you scratching your head, vern? I can't figure this out. what's that? that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. the bible says something like that, alright. yeah, except. . . except what? why would a camel want to go through the eye of a needle? it's a metaphor, vern. like jumping the shark. oh. so did the shark try to go through that needle too? I really doubt it, vern. cuz that wouldn't make no sense atall. know what I mean? I do, vern. I totally do.


19 Jan 2013 6 417
I'm answering your job ad. ok. it demands the utmost perseverance, dedication and skill, 24-7, with no benefits. what do I gotta do? take care of this place. who's been doing it up to now? me. and I have the highest standards. really? you sure? well, I sometimes disappoint myself. so, any tips? just this: don't set any fires. why not? it attracts the neighbors. there's neighbors? they howl at the moon, and love fresh meat. so they're friendly? you can say that.

574 items in total