safe house

Detroit City


28 Sep 2013 3 261
I suddenly know what I'm majoring in at school. yeah? yeah. so my advice is you start looking for another place to live. why? I like it here. not for long, you won't.

2+2 Is On My Mind

23 Jul 2011 6 1 417
did you bring anything to eat? yeah, I did. a sandwich. was it salami and cheese? yeah. with spicy mustard? on rye? sliced in half? yeah. how'd you know? I ate it. you ate my sandwich? yeah. got anything to drink?

Sports Fans

10 Oct 2011 3 274
so listen to this. I hear neutrinos can travel faster than the speed of light. yeah? so what? so what? it means time travel is possible, chester! no shit, vern? damn! but where would we go? for starters, we could watch the game again! why would we want to do that? we seen it. dude! it had a great fight! c'mon! I'm there!


28 Jul 2013 2 372
why are we here? man, whatchoo mean? we here for this. what is this? this! this right here! we are here for this! shit. that's deep. course it is! and don't forget it.

Junkyard Angel

20 Jul 2013 3 2 223
how do you like my new place, man? it's. . . cool, I guess. where's the bedroom? you're lookin' at it. yeah? how about the kitchen? ditto. got it. kind of an all-purpose space, then, eh? and moving furniture's a breeze, too. that'll be great if you ever get any. I know right?

Artificial Intelligence

21 Sep 2014 7 2 438
what are you doing today? I got a big test tomorrow. getting ready. so you're gonna hit the books? books? no way. I have a very good memory. the best ever. but you've read the material, right? no, I don't read. so how are you planning to pass this test? I have a lot of words. more than anyone. that's it? it's gotten me this far. that is so depressingly true.

Trade Mission

29 Sep 2012 7 4 276
on behalf of our government, let me welcome you Americans to our country. thanks, we're here to promote mutual trade. we want to make the best deals. if I may ask, what do you have that we might want? oh, we have all kinds of things to sell you. in fact, we brought samples. your president can light up any of them. light up? you brought. . . are those drugs? the best! he's gonna love it! but drugs are illegal! not if the president uses them, right? what do you mean? if the president does it, it can't be illegal! don't tell me that's how it works in the US! it is now! bigly! so is he ready to get high, or what? I fear this meeting will not go well. we brought some led zeppelin tapes too. let's rock!


19 Jun 1970 3 1 177
what kind of pill was that you gave me? I dunno, why. oh, nothing. it just looks like this is gonna be a weird day.


03 Oct 2010 3 279
I heard that most buildings are meant to last 50 years. that doesn't seem like much. it isn't, really. I like the feeling that something is made to last a long time. unlike us, you mean. yeah. we're just a fleeting shadow in this life. true. noisy ones, though, eh? we gotta let somebody know we been here. I think they know. maybe about you they do. you too. I wonder.

The Usual Crowd

08 May 2017 3 229
the guests should be arriving soon, Stanley. who's invited, Edna? oh, the usual crowd. great. that moronic bunch of freeloaders? your family. that's what I meant.

Blind Faith

18 Mar 2012 4 1 314
may I help you across, sir? thank you, but my dog can do that. that's good, however, sometimes you must put your trust in strangers. blind faith, you mean. I won't let you down. no, you won't. the dog will see to that. smart puppy. the best.


19 Jan 2013 6 3 340
pull that guy over, earl. why? he do something wrong? he looks like a WoP. a what? like he's without papers. an illegal? based on what? he's just driving. you're new to the force, aintcha. well, yeah. so you'll learn: rule number 1. pull 'em over. but why? rule number 2: don't ask. what's rule number 3? see rule number 2. right.

The Word

08 May 1998 5 7 460
how is the creation of heaven and earth coming, lord? great, archangel. but I've been thinking. yes? I think I like the number 8 better than 7. pardon me? why should I rest on the 7th day? I'm not tired. find me something else to do. well, er, what did you have in mind? I don't know. how about a demolition derby? I like car crashes. let's do that. but, lord. cars haven't been invented yet. spare me the details, archangel. make it happen. make it. . . loud. how loud? like thunder. thunder? what's that? you'll see.

In Session

06 Dec 2017 7 1 667
hey vern! today's the day for the big vote. I know. I can't make it. you gotta! the party leadership needs you! yeah? tell them I can't make it. vern, the president is counting on you! he is? big time! good to know. tell him I can't make it too. but why? you know that little incentive I got? from the coal guys? yeah, that one. it bounced. it bounced? yeah. so I can't make it. I see. so democracy's integrity stays intact? such as it is. sure.

Profit Motive

02 Jul 2011 3 204
hey buddy, can you spare a buck? you're panhandling in here? hey, gotta go where the money is, you know? and how's your luck been? I may be onto something. yeah? maybe you should branch out. now that you mention it, I'm thinking of taking on help. very ambitious of you. gotta adapt to get ahead in this world, you know? good business plan. that's what my accountant says. great.

Stream of Unconsciousness

19 Dec 2017 8 378
good morning, herr doktor. just in time, my boy. look at this. what is it, doktor? using complicated instruments and simple statistics, I can measure meaningful brain activity anywhere — even in a dead salmon! really? I call it the 'stream of unconsciousness' equation. clever, eh? a dead salmon has meaningful brain activity? you'd be surprised! why, compared to our president, it's more than a stream; it's a mighty torrent! that's kind of depressing. I thought so too.


19 Dec 2017 8 2 404
is it done? it's done. really? trust me. so we got away with it? bigly. unbelievable. and we're just getting started. wow. I told you government work could be very. . . profitable? exactly.

I'm In Jazz

24 Feb 2017 6 1 257
hey marcel. wanna go to the club? sure. who's playing? maybe I will. cool. alls you gotta do is front me the bus fare. yeah? then I'll take care of your cover. how you gonna do that? I'm on the door, you see. I thought you said you'd be playing? I was. with me? what you think? I think the bus is coming. well alright then.

574 items in total