Jim O'Neil's photos


11 Nov 2009 116
You know what koi are, what more need be said? OK, they were at a temple in Tokyo and if you ask, I'll tell you which one. :-)

EDM challenge 252, Draw a pine or fir

08 Dec 2009 118
Subsequently I did this sumi-e (Japanese ink & brush painting). The last couple of days I've been trying to do a bull in sumi-e but all my attempts end up producing a cute, rather than fierce animal. Maybe that's understandable as I've just returned from over a month in modern day Japan, -where cutesy rules! Ink on 9"X13" hand made "rice" paper (washi) that I just brough back from Japan.


04 Nov 2009 121
I was just quickly trying to catch the mood right after sundown.

full service

20 Nov 2009 128
You pull up to the pump... immediately 4 kids are there pumping your gas, washing all your windows, -not just the windshield, etc., etc., and then stopping traffic on the highway so you can pull out easily.

on the corner

13 Nov 2009 113
I see fewer beer and sake vending machines on the streets but a lot are still around.


09 Nov 2009 145
Walking the evening streets of Fukui, I saw...


20 Nov 2009 1 117
Back in the mountains behind Matsuyama.

Matsuyama castle

22 Nov 2009 110
High on the hill overlooking the city.

Ha ha

07 Dec 2009 128
This is my friend Kumiko's 94 year old mother. Kumiko got her a sketch book and, since she had a stroke, she's relearning to draw with her left hand. Ha Ha, by the way, is nihongo, is Japanese, for mother.

Falls 2

04 Nov 2009 106
Another of the many water falls.

Engineers View

22 Nov 2009 119
The train that serves Umenomoto runs on a single track. At some, not all, of the stations the rail splits at the stations so that trains running in opposite directions can pass each other. Timing is everything!


09 Nov 2009 116
Near Kanazawa

more autumn

06 Nov 2009 1 124
enough said

In the Saga district, Kyoto

07 Nov 2009 109
I gave this one to my friend's. Eiko's, mother.

Friends in Fukui

09 Nov 2009 121
My friend, Tomochan, took us to her favorite izakaya (居酒屋) in Fukui. So here I am with the owners after a night of sake, beer, shochu sashimi, sushi, fresh caught crab, etc.

1200 stone images

07 Nov 2009 1 132
At the Otagi Nenbutsu-ji Temple, just outside of downtown Kyoto, are 1200 stone images of Rakan, disciples of Shaka, founder of Buddhism. My friend Eiko's father was the head monk of the temple and responsible for the restoration of same and now her brother is head monk.

sunset at the shrine

05 Nov 2009 105
I'm back at the little shire near "My" cabin, watching the sunset.

field work

04 Nov 2009 136
During my morning and evening walks I'd often find this guy working his garden plot and as often as not, the heron would be there supervising him.

4998 items in total