Ronald Losure's photos

Gray squirrel eating sunflower seeds


09 Jun 2023 15 4 71
Cephalanthus occidentalis growing at the edge of a pond.

Zebra swallowtail butterfly

09 Jun 2023 17 4 82
Eurytides marcellus

Branco by the pond

08 Jun 2023 19 16 129
Canis familiaris

Great egret by the pond

08 Jun 2023 6 4 50
Ardea alba shaking its feathers.

Eastern tiger swallowtail - dark female

07 Jun 2023 14 18 92
Papilio glaucus on Pontederia cordata. There is also a yellow version of this species.

Painted turtle swimming in the pond

Rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta)

04 Jun 2023 13 8 93
I encountered this large (maybe 2 m long) snake in the forest behind my house. It didn't show any fear of me. Branco was elsewhere.

Cattle egret

28 May 2023 12 7 74
This bird and the one on the next photo are the same bird.

Water lily in Bluff Lake

Wood duck (M) on my pond

26 May 2023 1 45
Aix sponsa

3025 items in total