Hello all!

Here are some news before the week-end.

1) We have corrected a great number of bugs that you have reported to us (others are in the process of being fixed).

2) You can once again edit your keywords.
Go the page "search by keywords". By hovering with your mouse on a keyword the option to "edit | delete" will appear.

3) We have changed the way to count visits to comply with current standards. The minimum interval between 2 visits from the same person is now 30 minutes (it was 15 minutes before). This modification may slow down your visit count. This is not due to a disaffection of the service as certain of you might think but to the modification of the counting rule.

4) ipernity on a black background and personalization. Concerning this project to optionally offer ipernity on a black background we are still analyzing. We are going to submit to you very soon other personalization ideas which may be complementary to one another. We will position ourselves once all the ideas submitted and after receiving your feedback.

5) More exhaustive news pages.
Some of you have complained that you couldn't see in your news pages certain photos added by your contacts. We removed some photo flux, those that were uploaded to an album knowing that if the album was new it would appear instead of the photos. This posed a problem for photos uploaded in an existing album: they never appeared in the news flux.

Now all photos uploaded by your contacts (added to an album or not) will show in the photos flux (in the limit of 1 to 5 by person depending on your choice).

We are currently working on a complete overhaul of the news pages to make them more exhaustive and easier to use. We will put online in a few weeks a news page test to get your feedback and suggestions.

6) The iPhone application is still in the process of being submitted :( We were compelled to make some adjustments that Apple requested. We are hopeful that the App will be available in the App store in the next few days. The Android version is still in the process of being developed.

7) We are looking for volunteer translators! Help us improve the quality of the translation of ipernity. For more information, contact us!

Have a nice week-end!

The ipernity Team