Today dawned bright and sunny but very cold. After a quick trip to the shop and some breakfast I was ready to tackle the garden. The Buddleia and rose bushes were in need of pruning so I set upon them with a vigour. What were 6ft bushes are now 18inch bare branched midgets. The Buddleia took a lot of pruning it has really grown this year with sturdy branches instead of the willowy slender ones of last year. This job took longer than I planned mainly due to two cats who thought it was a rare old game. There are bits of foliage strewn all over the garden and path plus a few smaller pieces in here. Bringing foliage in is Zazzles specialty of course. They were wise enough to stay away from the rose bush but this only gave them more time to mess with the Buddleia. The large garden wheelie is now full so the fruit bushes will have to wait awhile maybe the cats won't be lurking to help me then. The cats look like feline Commandos with bits of debris hanging off them,a little like Pigpen in the Peanuts cartoon strip.

I have only myself to feed tonight so I am having a Sweet and sour chicken dish I froze a little while ago,a few minutes in the microwave oven while I boil some rice and the jobs done.
Later this evening I have a rugby match to watch so I am pretty much organised for the day apart from collecting the bits of Buddleia that Zazzles has stashed,that's if I can find it all. Shoes and boots will have to be checked.