I have a feeling that today won't go down as a good time to celebrate, but for those of you who feel up to it - a very happy 4th July.

I don't know about you all, but here in my part of the UK, the weather has changed from lovely and warm to horrible and cold! It's the beginning of July and it feels like March! The sky is all one colour - sort of pale grey, there is a wind, that blusters every now and then, it's not warm enough to have any window open, and to have the back door open - it's only to get the post in!!!! I know we had the hottest and driest May, but since then - it's sort of gone downhill somewhat. So I'm really hoping that the tide will turn and we'll go back to having some sort of Summer.

I do hope that the move the Government has done by re-opening some areas, isn't too early. Although I do understand that no-one knows exactly what this virus will do. It's been a case of let's see what happens as each day goes by. I just feel that maybe it's too early to do some things - we seem to have worked out that by staying at home where possible, wearing a mask and washing our hands regularly, seems to be making a difference. I also note that when there are idiots who think that it's all a joke and therefore are going around endangering everyone else, by not wearing a mask, nor keeping a good distance apart from others, that we get spikes in the amount of cases. Why are some people so ignorant or just plain selfish? A lot of the people who go around as if there's nothing going on, are just being so heartless and making this situation so much worse.

Okay rant over, this was only written to say HAPPY 4TH JULY to our American friends. I do hope that you all will celebrate at home and enjoy all the cookies, drink etc that you seem to do on this special day.

Please stay safe and keep washing your hands!!!! LOL