I've spoken about Noodles before, but today he took things a bit further - he decided to take his chances by walking into my lounge!!!! He's a very pretty cat - I'm assuming he's a boy - I mean who would call a girl "Noodles" anyway?

Well I was aware of a black and white cat walking into my lounge - I said hello and he miaowed back, but carried on walking in. I knew Pippin was outside, so I was waiting for the kerfuffle - nothing!!! Then I was aware that Noodles had decided to go to the couch by the window....

Now this is where Pippin likes to sit and watch the world go by and I did say to Noodles that it would be wise if he moved on - then I was aware of Pippin coming in the lounge!!!

Pippin didn't make a sound - he just came onto the coffee table and did the "stare out" with Noodles - who really couldn't give a fig!!!!

He did start making small noises in his throat and I was just getting ready to move quickly, in case there was a fight - but nothing. Now either Pippin and Noodles have become friends over the last few months, or Pippin couldn't be bothered to make a fuss about it all. They did the necessary stare at each other, then Pippin decided he'd obviously lost his place on the couch for the moment and he left the lounge!!!

I think Noodles watched him go and after a couple of minutes, realised that there wasn't going to be a fight, so there was no need for him to stay!!! He then strolled nonchantly out of the lounge - now either he's very brave or a total idiot - either would describe his behaviour!!!!

Now apart from it being a glorious day - this was the only excitement I had today!!! I did go out the house - well as far as the end of the house!!! So I'll do another blog about that - nothing happened - don't get excited!!!! LOL