During the night before last, I was woken up suddenly by a loud bang. It had just started to get light and I did look around from my bed to see what it could have been but I didn't see anything. I wondered if it had been something upstairs but at that time of the morning, I wasn't going to start exploring. It's hard enough for me to get up the stairs during the day, let alone during the night, so I listened out for any other noises and not hearing anything else, I snuggled down to finish my sleep.

When I woke up, I wondered if I'd imagined it, I couldn't see anything that could have made that noise. It sounded like something had dropped on the floor, that sort of "thud". I thought I'd wait until Emily came and then ask her if she could go upstairs and have a look around. I did wonder if it was because I'd opened the bathroom window to get some air moving upstairs, but I'd pulled a muscle opening it!!!! I did wonder if I'd had another kidney stone as the pain was immense and I could hardly breathe with the pain when I did any movement. My neighbour aka friend, Evie, said I should go to the doctors quickly incase it was.

Well I went there, and because the pain subsided drastically when I sat down and didn't move, they surmised that I'd pulled or torn a muscle. After a rather painful examination, being prodded etc, I came away with painkillers and ointment. Well I'm so pleased to say that the pain has diminished such a lot and I can move around so easily, so thanks to the pain killers and the ointment, my muscles are behaving themselves.

Well later on in the afternoon, I had a wonderful surprise, visitors arrived!!! It was a very old friend who used to live next door in Ann and Peter's house. We were good friends from the age of 11 to 18, when I moved to London. Alistair and his wife Maureen stayed for about an hour and we caught up on things. It had been about 25 years since we last saw each other so it was so nice to see them.

Anyway - to get to the story of that "noise". This morning I noticed a rather large mark on the window. How I missed it yesterday I've no idea, probably too tired from being woken up in the middle of the night. So I toddled over to the window to have a better look at the mark.....

I could hardly believe my eyes - it was the outline of a bird. So THAT was what the noise had been!!! Some poor little bird, probably a pigeon, or something like that, had flown straight into the glass - at least by the size of the mark, I know that it certainly wasn't Fred!

You can make out the wings, the feathers etc and it was only when I cropped and zoomed-in on the picture, I saw the outline of an eye!!!!

Poor little thing - I do hope it wasn't hurt too much. I looked out the window, under the window sill, but there wasn't any bird lying prone or anything, so all I can assume is that it might have had a bad headache but has managed to fly away! So now I know what made that noise, I can relax and Emily won't need to search upstairs, well she can go upstairs and clean the bathroom for me, but there's no need for a search and rescue!!!!

It shows how quiet my life has become lately, ever since I came back from Turkey, that my whole blog is about a poor defenceless bird flying into my window!!!! Tomorrow I'm considering making some apple and coconut flapjacks, then I really must start to make some cushions or hopefully another quilt cover. I can't waste my time here not doing anything productive.

I hope you've all had a great week so far, and that the rest of it is good for you.