Well today we had lovely sunny periods and out of the wind it was actually warm-ish!! So I decided to go out and get some healthy lungfuls of fresh air. I walked up my driveway and noticed quite a lot of clumps of primroses in places they haven't been before. I wonder if it's because of all the rain we had last year, that it washed the plants/seeds down the driveway and then deposited them in different places......

Of course Pippin had to follow me to see what I was doing and he kept lying down and stretching and rolling over - obviously thoroughly enjoying the sunshine too.

He also started exploring the cleared areas around the base of the trees (well it was cleared last year, but it's getting overgrown again............

We then went onto the front lawn - and methinks the grass now needs cutting!! I saw some more primroses in the flower beds, as well as on the actual grass............

The leaf buds were also coming out on the lilac trees, so with a bit of luck that we don't have deep snow - there's a chance some lovely lilacs will come out......................

The driveway is also creating a lovely display of bluebells as usual. The flowers are yet to come out but you can see the plants already getting started, and also some are in amongst the lilac trees on the bank....

The daffodils are still flowering, but look a bit battered!!!

So now I'm all snug indoors with the heater on - didn't seem to need the fire lit this afternoon, but think I may have laid one just in case anyway - oh well never mind!!!!!!!!!!