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Modern Creed
according to Dorothee Sölle

Stadtkirche St. Marien in Wittenberg

I do not believe
in the right of the strongest
in the language of arms
in the power of the mighty
But I will believe
in the right of man
in the open hand
in non-violence

I will not believe
in race or wealth
in privilege and prerogative
in fixed orders
But I will believe
that all men are men
that the order of injustice is disorder

I do not believe
that I can fight oppression
if I let any injustice stand
But I will believe
that the right is undivided - here and there -
that I am not free
as long as any man is a slave

I do not believe
that love is self-deception - friendship is unreliable
and all words are lies
But I will believe
in the love that endures
in openness and trust in each other
in a word - that says what it says

I do not believe
that war is inevitable
and peace unattainable
But I will believe
in the small deed - in the power of goodness
In peace on earth

I do not believe
that all effort is in vain
That death will be the end
But I dare to believe
in the new man
in God's own dream:
A new heaven and a new earth
where justice dwells

Horizons - Dream or reality - Nina and Nino look at a new world

Fotos by Albert Jäger