After being buffeted by storms and lashing rain, the ship is at last becalmed and should remain so for at least the next few days. I’ve finally got some bedding out hanging from the rigging which makes a nice change from being stuck on a clothes horse. I think laundry always smells so much nicer when dried outside, unless of course the gulls decide to use it for target practice!

The Cabin Boy shocked me this morning by announcing that he’s been invited to go on holiday in the summer after the exams. Nice I thought; some nice parent wants to take him away with their son. No such luck! The holiday they’re planning is for a group of about 8 teenagers to go to Portugal and have some after exam R&R and fun. Every parent’s worst nightmare! Of course I can’t stop him as he’ll be 18 by then, and he’s going to pay for it, but I’ll worry the whole 10 days that he’ll be gone. Anyway, they’re not planning to go until June so plenty of time to fret about it lol.

His Dad hasn’t been in touch now for about a week which is to be expected I guess. Initially the Cabin Boy joked that his Dad was spamming us by emailing us every other day with pictures and anecdotes of their travels. I knew he’d soon get bored with that. I won’t mention my son’s plans to him as he’ll just try and bulldoze through them. He lost that right when he effed off to another country.

We were summoned to a meeting today by the Big Boss and what a fruitful hour that turned in to. Honestly, the Big Boss should have been a politician in that they did not actually answer a single question outright. Personally, I think the site we’re on is doomed. There are empty offices galore, staff are being shunted off to other sites, and they could make a packet by closing this place down and selling it off for housing. I’m not feeling secure in my job and the meeting did absolutely nothing to allay any fears and anxiety that we’re experiencing. I check twice a week now for other jobs. One good lottery win and I’d kiss this place goodbye without an ounce of guilt or regret.

It’s Friday, my favourite day of the week, and I have plenty to do to make the afternoon go quickly. Lunch break is over, and I have to get back to rowing in the bowels of the ship until my release time.

Have a lovely weekend, wishing you all calm seas and fair winds.