It’s Friday and for me, that’s the best day of the week! I’m out tomorrow to get some shopping in town and will hopefully buy a new cardigan after my Mum’s dog damaged mine. My ex’s Mum sent us some Christmas money which is really lovely of her, and my sister is home from hospital which is great news. She’s had her reconstruction surgery and it seemed to go well. My friend and I will visit her tomorrow, after we’ve been to town, to deliver cards and so on. My nephew has finally cut the apron strings and moved into a flat with his girlfriend. Good news I guess though I don’t like her – she did something unforgiveable in my mind, but hey, I’m not living with her.

We recently had a union meeting in work and quite honestly I was shocked by the bile that one or two were shouting. We were asked to vote on whether people who took strike action were to get some form of hardship payment. Whilst nobody objected, one person did want to ensure that people who ‘hadn’t bothered’ to turn up to the meeting didn’t get the payment. This person fails to comprehend that others may have been on leave, or sick, or even had work commitments so couldn’t attend. There were also words like ‘scab’ being bandied around. This type of behaviour really makes me rethink my membership…

One more week of work and I’ll be off for a fortnight and I’m counting the days! Work is slowing down which makes it a good time to check equipment, order anything that needs ordering and generally tidy up rooms, books and cupboards. I don’t much like the weather – dank and dismal of late – but I do like the slow down at this time of year. I don’t ‘do’ panic buying, or excessive shopping, so often like to go out and just watch others in their frenzy, and wonder; does it actually make them happy? My son and I will visit family, but mostly we’ll stay at home, chill out, and make tasty food. Sounds like a good holiday to me :)