Well, another year ends. No matter the year, I’m almost always glad to see the end of it and always hope that the new year will be a better one for all of us.

I hope absent friends will re-join us in our iPernity community, and that we all get to see friends and family out in the real world too.

Work has been okay, not too crazy, not too much overtime, and customers were, in the main, very well behaved with some wishing me a Happy Christmas, so that was nice. I’m doing my best to only do the small picks so that I don’t tax my arm. I’m still waiting to hear from the hospital regarding an x-ray despite chasing it up before Christmas. More than 3 weeks now and it’s ridiculous though the usual excuse, as always for poor service of any kind now, is Covid. Meanwhile my arm throbs on a good day and keeps me awake in pain on a bad day. I’ve ‘bothered’ my manager, yet again, about moving to light duties though just like the Civil Service, any change is painfully slow – doubly painful in my case!

We had a nice, if quiet, Christmas. Bought a joint of beef that was half price then had the (extra) staff discount, so it was a fantastic price. A very nice meal, and I didn’t burn anything, including myself lol. We don’t buy Christmas pudding. I like it well enough, though it sits in my stomach like a lead ball, so I don’t eat it, and my son never fancied the look of it, so I made a very nice chocolate fudge cake, and we had the usual panettone too. I’ve since bought another one at a good reduction in work that we’ll keep a while, then enjoy as it has a great use by date on it. I love panettone; it’s great as is, lovely toasted, and if it gets a chance to go stale, it makes a fantastic bread and butter pudding. So versatile.

The dog has been mostly good, eating well, though he’s gotten into the habit of hauling himself out of his bed if I dare leave the room, which is very annoying, and it takes him ages to settle once I go to bed. Separation anxiety? Meanwhile, I’m held hostage in my chair in front of the TV. LMAO

New Year’s Eve, we have beef again, steak. I bought a very large steak, on the bone, at less than half price due to imminent date. With my staff discount too, it’ll be a nice, not too expensive, treat along with chips and mushrooms. Mmmm...

Hope you all have a Happy New Year.