Wow is it Monday again? This past week has flown by. Despite my cold finally coming up for air, and an upset stomach to boot, I’ve had some good rest this week and even slept in 3 mornings. By sleeping in, I mean I’ve slept past my usual 5 or 6am wake up. Despite being windy and wet here, the temperatures have been quite mild. The Ship has been tossed about a little, in the high winds, though swinging gently in my hammock has been restful. One night, I slept for almost 9 hours. My leg was hurting, I was exhausted from a few bad nights, and I’d dosed up on paracetamol (pain med) and had a great sleep! Not something I’d do regularly, but when needs must…

In contrast, the Deckhand has not been sleeping that well. He now has 2 weeks until the end of term, and as such, deadlines are fast approaching. He’s on top of the work, apparently more so than his peers, but he’s a little stressed. He’s very determined to do well and get a good job at the end of it all.

Despite saying they ‘wouldn’t bother us further’ my ex has been in touch with our son, asking how we both are. It wouldn’t cost anything to respond to him, however I do understand why the Deckhand doesn’t want to bother with the Scurvy Dog, and this Christmas will be the first time we haven’t had to sort out time differences in Oz and be up early for them to phone us on Christmas Day. I know my ex is peeved that nobody has been to visit them in Oz, however it’s a long way, costly too, and his family have a young child, jobs too, and his Mum is old. God forbid they put themselves out and come home for a visit instead. He always was selfish…

The UK is forecast for icy blasts soon that could turn our rain into sleet and even snow. In December? Surely not! LOL. A little snow might make a nice change from the rain, just not too much, okay? Our small garden is enclosed by 6-foot high wooden fence panels, and being as it’s our first winter here, I’ve no idea how such a small garden will fare if there’s a lot of snow. The back door, and front door, both open inwards so we’re unlikely to be trapped inside, unlike the previous house, where I couldn’t open the back door one winter due to snow piled up against it. I’ve decided, I don’t much care for snow. My Mum used to tease me about the first time I’d seen snow; we’d been living in the far east (army brat lol) and had gone home to Wales to stay with our grandparents for Christmas. It was snowing, and I was screaming that I didn’t like it, and to take it away. Not much has changed LMAO.

I did quite a bit of housework over the weekend, after a lazy week, and I intend to have a quiet day doing not much of anything today. Oh, there is washing to be hung from the rigging, some ironing to do, dinner to cook, maybe not such a lazy day then ;) Have a good week, hopefully the weather won’t be too inclement, though as I said, it is December already.