I wanted rain for the garden, but frankly, it’s now become a drag. We have a dry day, and I start to think my sister could come and take some plants, then it rains again. So far, we’ve had to reschedule twice. She could still visit, however the potted plants would be heavy from the rain, and would muddy her car, so a few dry days are a must. I managed to walk the dog and keep dry this morning, but as I type, it’s hosing it down. Getting tedious now. Thank goodness I already washed the curtains I’m taking with me. Weather Gods, please smile on me and don’t rain next week, especially the 2 moving days. Thanks.

Speaking of the move, in all my calculations I had hoped to get part of the Holder’s Fee back. I knew I had to pay a bond, however I didn’t expect the Holders Fee to be held as the bond especially as it’s over £250 more than the monthly rent. Bummer! The fee is held in a government backed scheme so should be safe though I won’t get it back until after I leave the property, and it could take up to a month to have it returned. In agent fees (which the government promised to abolish this year, yeah right!) and fees for having a dog (financial punishment) and the removal costs, and the holders fee/bond, I’m out of pocket to the tune of over £2,800. Man, I hope I can get a part time job soon after I move to try and build up my savings again.

Packing is going well with only a few minor hiccups such as wanting a biscuit, only to find I’d packed the biscuit tin, along with the few biscuits in it. They were quickly rescued and summarily devoured lol. Lots of boxes are not yet sealed in case I need something from them, and deciding what to eat each day, when there’s hardly any food here, is a bit of a chore. I need to fully defrost the fridge freezer on Monday, so it’ll be even harder as I won’t be able to keep food cold, especially in this heat. Beans on toast seems like a good alternative, or going out for food, which I may have to resort to on the last night.

My sister offered for me to stay at hers on the final night which was kind of her, however I’ve already bought a blow-up mattress, and a folding chair so I’m all set. The thought of getting up at 5am on moving day with her 3 dogs, and my dog, (and she smokes) and trying to leave quietly… She lives in the opposite direction too, so all things considered, it isn’t working for me. Nice offer though and the thought was appreciated. I’m hoping the day of the big pack-up that she’ll be available to look after the dog, so he won’t get too agitated about people in his house taking all the ‘stuff’.

It’s feeling very real now and although all is on track, the tension is mounting and it’s showing in my skin; I’ve had a flare up of my rosacea (face), the eczema in my hair is back, and I have a sore patch of it on one hip which makes sleeping a little uncomfortable. I have cream for it but hope it will go away once I move. I’ve not had eczema before, though it is prevalent in my family and stress is a trigger, so I’ve read. It’ll soon be all over with, thank goodness.

Hope you have some sunshine, especially Gracie who is visiting the UK. Enjoy the rest of the week.