The only problem with this heatwave and boy I don't want to moan, is the fact that my green lawn is no more!

Now I love this weather and having the windows open all day and in some cases, all night, but I don't have a garden hose anymore so keeping the grass and garden watered is a task I can't do anymore!!!!

See what I mean? This is quite depressing to look out the lounge window and just see straw and brown grass. Even the mombretia is looking sad and it's usually very resillient.

At least the purple toadflax is looking good............

A splash of colour in the driveway..............

The mombretia in the driveway is looking better than on the lawn..............

Saw this little feather, wonder if it belonged to Jonathon. Although it did look a bit small, so probably isn't.

That's my little contribution to today folks. I don't go out anywhere, so I can't do pictures of my countryside I'm afraid.