Keyword: Pittore

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  • "Comer See, Blick auf Cadenabbia"

    Zum 205. Geburtstag von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy am 3. Februar öffnet das letzte baulich erhalten gebliebene Wohnhaus des Komponisten in der Goldschmidtstraße 12 nach zehnmonatiger, 1,5 Millionen Euro teurer Umbauphase als interaktives Museum wieder seine Pforten. Es erstreckt sich jetzt über eine Gesamtfläche von rund 900 m2, bestehend aus nunmehr zwei Etagen und einem Gartenhaus. Hier werden nahezu alle Facetten des Komponisten, Dirigenten, Instrumentalisten, Malers, Reisenden, Briefkorr…

  • Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: 3 Febbraio 1809 - 4 Novembre 1847.

    Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Amburgo, 3 Febbraio 1809 - Lipsia: 4 Novembre 1847

  • Mendelssohn Schweizer Skizzenbuch

    Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Schweizer Skizzenbuch 1842 Faksimile herausgegeben von Hans-Günter Klein Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Swiss Sketchbook 1842 Facsimile edited by Hans-Günter Klein Mendelssohn Schweizer Skizzenbuch Wiesbaden, 2008 Oblong, 30 x 24 cm, 53 pp. Facsimiles of 21 pencil landscape drawings that Mendelssohn made as a sort of diary during a trip to Switzerland in 1842 on the occasion of a music festival. Each drawing is signed and commente…

  • Mendelssohn, the painter

    Mendelssohn, the painter Mendelssohn Amalfi Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Landscape of the Amalfi Coast, watercolour on paper One of Mendelssohn’s most attractive landscapes, based on a pencil sketch now in the Bodleian Library, dated Amalfi, 31 May 1831. The watercolour differs in many details from the pencil sketch, the latter being transformed from a visual record to a work of art. The Capuchin monastery (centre of the picture), which had been an inn since 1821, is where the compos…

  • Mendelssohn Schweiz

    Mendelssohns Schweiz: «Es ist kein Land wie dieses» Von Susanne Kübler . Aktualisiert am 02.02.2009 Vor 200 Jahren wurde Felix Mendelssohn geboren. Seine Reisen führten ihn auch in die Schweiz – und in Rüschlikon lebt ein Urenkel. Thomas Wach zeigt den Druck eines Aquarells seines Urgrossvaters: Felix Mendelssohn hatte das Dorf Unterseen bei Interlaken 1847 gemalt. (Bild: Dominique Meienberg) Neue CDs und Bücher zu Mendelssohns Geburtstag Susanne Kübler Wo ein Jubilä…

  • Mendelssohn a Roma.

    “Immaginatevi una piccola casa in piazza di Spagna al n.5, illuminata tutto il giorno dal sole: una camera al primo piano, dove c’è un buon pianoforte di Vienna [...] Alla mattina, quando sono nella mia camera e faccio colazione, mi appare il sole splendido (vedete come i poeti mi hanno guastato!) e ciò produce in me un senso infinitamente piacevole perché siamo già alla fine dell’autunno, e chi può pretendere ancora da noi il caldo, il cielo sereno e i grappoli d’uva e i fiori? Dopo c…

  • 4 Novembre 1847

    “I know of no feeling more distressing,” writes Mendelssohn in 1843, “than having enemies.” [1] He goes on to say that he, at least, “to my great joy,” is on friendly terms with everyone. But being friendly and having friends are two different things and in a mood swing, which is often found in Mendelssohn, only a few months later he complains of having no friend to turn to for sympathy. [2] Mendelssohn recognized that his personality lacked patience, crying to Mosche…

  • Denkmal: Mendelssohn steht bald wieder

    Denkmal: Mendelssohn steht bald wieder Von Helga Meister Eine Initiative von Freunden der Musik möchte die Bronze-Skulptur des großen Komponisten rekonstruieren lassen. Großbild Stadtarchiv So sah das Mendelssohn-Denkmal aus, bevor es 1940 zerschlagen und eingeschmolzen wurde. Düsseldorf. Schlank und elegant war der junge Komponist Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, a…

  • Felix Mendelssohn: Art Works [article]

    Drawing from Felix Mendelssohn's travels to Italy (n.d.) from The Moldenhauer Archives - The Rosaleen Moldenhauer Memorial. Performing Arts Reading Room, Library of Congress. The development of Mendelssohn's musical and compositional skills parallels that of another aspect of his creativity: his skills in drawing and painting, which, like music, became a means of expression on which he relied throughout his life. Mendelssohn's early education, like that of most we…