Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
© All rights reserved

13 May 2014

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251 visits

.. a visitor

in the purple Japanese Iris - 1 note upper Left they don't photograph the true purple that they are - matters not what setting used - but, they are Purple ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

04 May 2014

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289 visits

.. a few steps away

is found this Tulip Tree that my neighbor planted - love it when a neighbor has things to photograph - that aren't in my yard - of course, I haven't walked around his entire yard - yet - © All Rights Reserved

02 May 2014

233 visits

a blanket of Stars -

Star of Bethlehem make a blanket under the Dogwood - 2 notes top Left sun and shadow create patterns - open during the day - they have closed this evening - the air is full of Lilac aromas - birds in full evening concert - sky with wispy, backcombed clouds - and a very small crescent moon - hope your corner of this Big Blue Ball is just as wonderful as my sliver -- (c) All Rights Reserved

30 Apr 2014

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286 visits

. . .

within us all - imagination - creativity - rhythm - enjoy or not - we all have 24hrs a day - that which we do with them - our choice - we are all day-to-day - life is a gift to savor - may your day be that for which you hope - Namaste, Peggy (c) All Rights Reserved

30 Apr 2014

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252 visits

yes - then no --

raindrops fall - then the sun shows up - doing things in between the raindrops - lavender blooms of chives look so pretty - there is another color [ I think ] Iris almost ready to bloom - and the Azalea - can't tell if it will be a Formosa or not - no, am not being too patient - in finding out what is in - my surprise Garden Journey - (c) All Rights Reserved

29 Apr 2014

1 favorite


213 visits

It's a great day ..

for shooting in the rain - dodging raindrops - keeping camera and self dry - challenging ! (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Apr 2014

1 favorite

281 visits

.. just looking

.. a huge tent set up for an event .. catering truck in the parking lot .. things that go up .. curve of the tent .. church steeple .. antenna for something .. and always .. trees of Mother Nature .. against a warm, light blue canvas (c) All Rights Reserved

15 Apr 2014

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189 visits

heaven in the air . .

White Lilacs starting - to open - on watch for Hummingbirds - 'The Lilac Nectar-Bar' is open - come one - come all - just long enough for a photo ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

11 Apr 2014

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305 visits

not quite ..

but many colors of the rainbow .. looking down our street .. purples have yet to awake .. just a few orange .. no real red, yet .. but all those green leaves .. ah - there shall be something of wonder .. (c) All Rights Reserved
643 items in total