Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
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15 Sep 2014

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625 visits

Common Buckeye .. - last seen here in early July - went zooming past me - onward with the camera ! - they don't flit too much - tend to stay and enjoy the nectar before moving on - hope this is a sign the Swallowtails and Monarchs might arrive - just a short visit would make me a happy camper ! - 1 note - (c) All Rights Reserved ^^ 17 Sept 2014 ^^ found in What's Hot !

15 Sep 2014

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305 visits

the framing . . .

of seeds - still beautiful, though very different in color - what was white with shades of rose - has moved into another part of life - (c) All Rights Reserved

06 Sep 2014

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375 visits

- on one side

of the street - the moon is rising - and on the other - the sun sets for another day - Life is Good - Breathe deeply - Enjoy the moment, my Friends - Namaste, Peggy (c) All Rights Reserved

14 Aug 2014

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1 comment

350 visits

.. re-purposed

Chevy truck tailgate - one of a kind bench - probably - one day I'll venture inside - for more cool shots - management permitting, of course - (c) All Rights Reserved

07 Aug 2014

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381 visits

- the many faces of Nature

- in the family of Robber Flies - this predator either waits or catches his prey in mid-air - including butterflies and bees - this is my first experience with them - after living in Florida, thought I'd seen most weird-looking critters - the Skipper butterflies were all over the place - flying much more than usual around the Buddleia davidii - the Skippers usually find a good flower and camp out - same with the large bees - this guy was even going after the Snowberry Clearwing Moth - in the Hummingbird Moth family - well really was after 2 of them - don't think he caught anything that evening - Mother Nature and her critters (c) All Rights Reserved

07 Aug 2014

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341 visits

- flowers of Summer

.. looked so pretty .. drove into the empty lot .. just enjoyed their beauty .. but, had to share with you .. no, nobody came out to ask what I was doing .. don't go where there are people .. flowers, yes .. animals, yes .. neither ask questions .. as a dear soul says, " It's all good" -- (c) All Rights Reserved

02 Aug 2014

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352 visits

Eye see you ..

while in Florida, met this Gator - at a very safe distance - that's what zoom is for ! ** E for the Alphabet Site ** (c) All Rights Reserved

19 Jul 2014

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264 visits

Widow Skimmer -

( Libellula luctuosa ) .. .. juvenile ? ^^ 1 note ^^ (c) All Rights Reserved

03 Jul 2014

247 visits

.. shirt off my back

some people are so nice - they would literally - give you the shirt off their back - but, there is no person here - just the shirt - the sculpture is called 'Blue Collar', by Mike Richardson - the local paper showed a young girl with her head - poking out the top of the shirt - recycled materials used for this one, also - doesn't is just make you feel good inside - when people elect to use something already around - like those of us who go to consignment / thrift stores - instead of opting for newly made items - course, that isn't always a possibility - but, we have ' discovered ' awesome - gently used items for our home - (c) All Rights Reserved
640 items in total