Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
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14 Feb 2014


305 visits

intense blue -

Carolina sky - 2014 to melt the snow - shine on Mz Sun - shine on --------------- cropped/watermark/drop shadow -- in PicMonkey (c) Al Rights Reserved

13 Feb 2014

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293 visits

- snow

is it my turn ? ----- as Snowflakes float through the air, a conversation is taking place -- across the street, they are making good use of a hilly drive and back yard - some roads in this area have long been blocked off for sledding - many years ago, we lived on one of them - at 3o'clock in the morning - that hill was full of sleds - lots of fun ! --Alphabet Site - S for snow, snowflakes, Season-- sleds -- Archive Airings AA31 - Flying/Floating in the AIr (c) All Rights Reserved

10 Feb 2014

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234 visits

Searching -

outside the window - this shrub insists on putting out - new growth - what is it ? not a clue - but, I've already spoken to it - 'you shall be trimmed' - think that mattered ? of course not - it insists on growing - (c) All Rights Reserved

07 Feb 2014

8 favorites


588 visits

Another Link .. linking one round window to several

. . . abandoned -- UPDATE: Our son drove past this the other day; part of the structure is gone; there are piles of old bricks - perhaps to be re-purposed? But .... he said there are very large steel beams behind this area of the building .... hope ? -- Will try to get newer photos and post them 03/13/2016 ..... no longer needed - this building, about 100,000 sq ft - has remained basically unused - for 43 yrs - some storage in there - but present owners say - ' it would cost too much to fix ' - excuse me - why didn't you bother to keep it in repair - must not have worked with ' your bottom line ' - I.E. profits - who cares if it is old - has more history than you care about - no, am not happy with you at all - reading through the History of Burlington [ by souls who know what they are writing about ] - so many Historical Structures are gone - really thought this town had learned that keeping history alive is important - but, supposed it hasn't - history still isn't worth saving - 1 Note - the Original Building - [ screenshot ] The original Burlington Coffin Co. -- made of wood, it was re-built with bricks after it burned in the early 1900s .. © All Rights Reserved The Alphabet Site .. Letter ' A ' -- EXPLORE --

07 Feb 2014


236 visits

- in winter

against a warm sky of blue - with those white puffy things - leafless fingers - stretch - in search of - (c) All Rights Reserved

31 Jan 2014

3 favorites


244 visits


title needed - This fountain is at a local church; looks like snow cleared from walkways was dumped into the fountain basin. No, it was too cold to go look ! But, what would you call this? A snow fountain .. Fountain with snow .. Water spewing snow ... What ?? (c) All Rights Reserved

29 Jan 2014


358 visits

snow story ..

-------------- Another Link in the Chain -------- linking snow on a roof to snow on a driveway ----- - across the street - 5 notes across the top - (c) All Rights Reserved

26 Jan 2014

2 favorites


379 visits

darkness . .

on the old wall - searching - fingers of cold - weathered bricks shrink to avoid - yet, they were placed - many years ago - by steady hands - it was a useful place - but, now - only part is used - sought - enveloped - by shadows of black - dark - cold - fingers - sending chills throughout - (c) PeggyC 2014

11 Jan 2014


253 visits

a river ..

sort of -- begins in backyard as a creek -- with heavy rains -- oh, did we ever have them -- thunder as added bonus ! supposed to be under a 'Thunderstorm Watch' -- until 6pm EST (US) -- but, as of 2:16PM ... nothing -- the sun has popped out -- the rains have ceased -- like nothing ever happened -- except, one can follow the trail where the rain came from -- and where it ended -- we have an excellent drainage system -- yes, we are dry -- Nature -- (c) All Rights Reserved
643 items in total