Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
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09 Jan 2014

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446 visits

.. old brickwork

- and boarded windows ---------------------- 1 photo note ----------------------------- - something was attached to these bricks - perhaps the Chinese Laundry - there is a shop next to this - does it share this brick wall ? - more research needed - part of the W.J.Nicks General Merchandise (Historic Building) - built ca. 1850 by Henry Bason ( NCSU Library) © All Rights Reserved

09 Jan 2014

200 visits

Sir Robin

- watching - observing - his Kingdom of Dogwood (c) PeggyC 2014

06 Jan 2014


317 visits

2014 ..

.. as diamond raindrops cling to branches of a Dogwood .. this Northern Cardinal ( Cardinalis cardinalis ) perches .. about seven Cardinals were foraging on the ground .. beneath as he watched .. taken through the kitchen window [2 layers of glass] .. 2014 (c) All Rights Reserved

28 Dec 2013

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239 visits

Industrial History ..

in photos - Western Electric plant ( 20+ buildings ) - was owned and contracted out by the Government - on the left is a fascinating water tower - center ... something seems to have been assembled in there - right side .. .. from what I can find out - this tower tested missiles - need to locate more info - lived not too far from this area for about 17 yrs - thought they made telephones - no, am not kidding - if you can find a very old telephone, look on the bottom - should say "made by Western Electric" - 2013 closed/abandoned since 1991-92 .. in 2005 purchased, but still unused; possibly going to be a salvage site © All Rights Reserved UPDATE: 18 May 2019 This has passed through many hands/companies; there is no definite use [public anyhow]..

20 Dec 2013

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271 visits

**** O Christmas Tree ** ---- From us -

to ALL of you - [ A Lyrical Connection - Songs to Celebrate ..] Merry Christmas ~~ - photo by JMC Photography (c) All Rights Reserved

10 Dec 2013

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241 visits

.. looking out

the window - raindrops cling to branches - of a no-name shrub - perhaps in Spring - will figure out a name for it - until then, it is the 'Emanon' - (c) All Rights Reserved

02 Dec 2013

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327 visits

Gull skies ..

over my head - in Central NC ? guess they go where the food is - Taco Food truck is nearby - but, those skies were marvelous ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

18 Nov 2013

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300 visits

Colors -

on Elm .. red Maples ablaze .. some oranges, bronze and golden colors .. then, bright green Holly leaves .. bursting with red berries .. birds are welcome .. all this is on one street .. the Street of Colors .. (c) PeggyC `13

15 Nov 2013

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217 visits

just a roll ..

.. captured by the Live Cam .. Churchill, Manitoba camera .. note in upper Left corner .. Polar bear had just rolled over in the snow .. then, he started digging .. watching them is a great experience
643 items in total