Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
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27 Dec 2014

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459 visits

.. for Bob

you - and you -- and the rest of y'all -- couldn't pass this -- a definite photo op at the traffic light -- it is a restaurant -- run by some fellows named -- yes, BOB ! (c) All Rights Reserved Winston-Salem North Carolina US 2014 Archive Airings AA-312-CHOICE

20 Dec 2014

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336 visits

- on this morn

big, fat flurries fell .. has since turned to a light drizzle .. but, was nice to see .. of course, I didn't have to go out .. that does make a big difference .. on how one feels about this .. when I used to 'have' to go out in this .. I didn't see it as beautiful .. it was another hazard .. but, now .. got the same eyes .. how things are seen .. that is the difference .. Merry Christmas to you all ~ Until we as humans value each other .. value our past .. and see the need to keep the past as a guideline to the future .. neighborhood after neighborhood will fall .. all in the name of Progress .. Progress isn't always progress .. just as bigger does not equate to better. We all can make a difference .. We must decide if we want to bother. (c) PeggyC / All Rights Reserved

29 Nov 2014

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300 visits

.. moon over

my head - seems so calm compared to the Concert photos - but, it is all good - (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 2014

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318 visits

.. 'The Show' 2

from another angle - moments apart - (c) All Rights Reserved 2014

08 Nov 2014

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335 visits

Eye-popping !

colors of Fall - Autumn - plus Nandina berries - going through color changes - this is such a beautiful time of year ! (c) All Rights Reserved 2014 (Nandina domestica) - EXPLORE -

24 Oct 2014

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482 visits

.. a puzzlement

- by the side of a main road - shopping cart filled with cardboard - to be recycled ? - but next to a political sign - repurposed it - to fit the situation (c) All Rights Reserved North Carolina USA 2014

06 Oct 2014

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332 visits

- sit awhile

after a delicious meal - with family - enjoy Life - savor each moment - (c) All Rights Reserved 2014 Jefferson, North Carolina

04 Oct 2014

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426 visits

- going for a ride in October

on The Dentzel Carousel Menagerie .. blue skies .. beautiful clouds .. slight breezes .. leaves starting color changes .. ahh ... a day documented in photos .. always best when shared .. ^^^^^ 6 notes on Left side ^^^^ History of the Carousel "The Burlington City Park Carousel is a 3-Row Dentzel Menagerie Carousel built around 1906-1910 at the Dentzel Carousel Company on Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Carousel was purchased by the City of Burlington in the summer of 1948 from Mr. Carl Utoff, the owner of Forest Park Amusement Park in Genoa, Ohio. Mr. Utoff purchased the machine in about 1924 from Locust Point Amusement Park in Oak Harbor, Ohio. No one knows the exact date of our Carousel or where it first ran, but the mirrors are stamped March and April of 1913, and on the bottom of the wooden platform were penciled May 1914. One of the rounding boards is a copy of a 1903 Remington painting. Our frames and rounding boards are similar to one in the 1906 era. Our chariots are numbered VIII and IX, meaning that at one time they were together, in a pair, on a larger carousel. The early 1900's were known as the "Golden Era" for carousels and many were sent back to be refurbished or made into different carousels. Parts made in different years were put together and perhaps our Carousel was one of those. " - from City Parks & Recreation (c) All Rights Reserved

27 Sep 2014

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347 visits

.. wheel-level

imagination is - this may appear odd - to some - but at the time - it made perfect sense to me - pavement is so much harder than grass - under a tree, though - (c) All Rights Reserved
643 items in total